Would you date someone way older/younger than you?


Well-known member
Well i'm dating a guy who's 17, so to me age doesn't matter that much as long as the guy/girl i'm dating isn't too old.
well i'm sorry, if some 18 year old think it's ok to date older men i don't care, but when it's starting to get accepted in the society that older men can hit on younger girls cause age doesn't matters and they think it's ok. well it is quite wrong, since many girls/young women find it very disturbing. especially in more vulnerable ages of 18 and early 20's.
when ppl get older, the age differences are becoming more vogue, but not at this age as i see it.

You would have to apply that rule to older women who like that age group in men as well.
And why is it ok for an 18 year old to date older men, but not vice versa?
That's a bit sexist no?


Well-known member
i dont really care about age. if i can find a girl whos not a gold diggin, flakey, trifling, maniplative game player who actually likes me, id be happy.


Well-known member
well it's certainly possible , but the larger the difference the harder sometimes especially when young/old

i had a girlfriend who was 17 when i was 15. Things went well at first, but i was too young
to understand a lot of stuff. Now that im older when i think back i see all the mistakes i made, and how stupid i was. So because i was too young she broke up with me (But it was also that she was the opposite of me in every possible way, and i only saw her once a week)


Well-known member
I agree with the 5 year thing.
I know it *shouldn't* matter, but yet, it does. It helps me a lot to think that somebody is at a similar stage in life; just because you know that that way your emotions may be more in tune with one another.

i guess I'm out of the picture then :[
As a 15 year old, who spends all his time speaking to adults, meaning the only people I can become attracted to are older than me, this is such a depressing thread


Well-known member
You're shattering of my pleasant daydreams of a romantic hunk of a Wile.E.Coyote, appearing on my doorstep with a rose in between his gnashers.

i'm not a coyote in real life

but i do have an ACME rocket propelled potato masher