Would you date someone way older/younger than you?

I'm not really in a position to be picky at all, but I prefer women at least 5 years older than me or older.

I think I just want a mother though...lol
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Well-known member
I don't think I could date someone over 30 ( I'm not sure I act mature enough) or under 20, I'd feel weird dating a teenager.

And I couldn't date an old man, I'd feel weird changing his nappies and washing between his wrinkles :eek:::(::rolleyes:
I don't think I'd mind dating someone who is a few years older than me. Actually, I see dating a younger girl as a far greater problem, since I'm way more mature than most people my age.

EDIT: I don't think I would date someone way older than me, though. That's just going to be too weird.
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Well-known member
Honestly? I have always seemed to have an attraction towards older people. I don't really know why though..it must be a maturity thing. I once liked someone 30 years my senior but didn't look it at all ;).

I'm 22 so dating someone within the 22-35 age range sounds reasonable. My parents had me late in life thus my cousins were all at least 10 years older than me; growing up around older people makes you mature faster so yeah I'm confident I can handle a 12-15 age difference. As for younger people...well I don't think I could go any lower than 20 (I might go to jail if I'm not careful haha).
I have a two year range as my limit so far. I'm 18, so that like 16-20. Not to say that I wouldn't try a 21-22-23 year old women, but I don't really like to have too big of an age gap.


Well-known member
evidently, I am too old for anyone here to date....

perhaps just a few hours of unbridled animal passion, then?


I wuold even date 14 years old girls, but it;s kinda risky since u can do jail if u .......u know

Btw, im 25

I dont mean to be blunt but im just going to come right out and say it. that statement creeps me out, seriously.
Do i think its acceptable for 25 year old men to even consider going out with 14 year old girls? HELL NO!!!!


Well-known member
I dont mean to be blunt but im just going to come right out and say it. that statement creeps me out, seriously.
Do i think its acceptable for 25 year old men to even consider going out with 14 year old girls? HELL NO!!!!

and i dont think there dad would be to pleased about it as well :rolleyes:


it is though.

A 14 year old girl is a child.

And i am sorry but statements like that make me feel uncomfortable.

Definitions of pedophilia:

a sexual attraction to children
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Well-known member
Hey everyone's allowed to think what they want in their own heads! As long as renegade doesn't act on these thoughts, there shouldn't be a problem. We all have our own thoughts!


Well-known member
it is though.

A 14 year old girl is a child.

And i am sorry but statements like that make me feel uncomfortable.

Definitions of pedophilia:

a sexual attraction to children

I think it's actually 'Ephebophilia'.

I would say for me, women around 18-25 - but that has changed before for a woman a little bit older than that.


Well-known member
This is the woman I am dating:


Cute, huh? And she is 7 years older than me!