Would you date someone way older/younger than you?


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If I knew I could trust her and she would stay with me no matter what why not,I am really inexperienced in dating and stuff,that must be major a turn off to older girls though,to youger ones too.........
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I've a major crush on someone older than me, he's nine years my senior. Unfortunately we both like each other but age is a problem for him and it makes me wonder, at my age of 19 and his of 28 would we even mesh well together? How we met is a story that would have most people at the end of it telling me the same thing "no way". It's interesting to think that if we did end up together, how would it work out? He's a career focused guy with a lovely house, well respected and I'm obviously much younger. Sometimes I wonder how easy it would be for me to transition from going out and doing the things people at my age do to working full time and being a Betty Homemaker..


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I am with someone that is 9 years older than me. It works well, I’d say I’m fairly mature not in every way tho, and he has a fairly young in nature, we balance each other out. He’s the intellectual one and I’m the sagacious one, we learn from each other. :)


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I'm 23 - I'd probably date a guy that's upto 12 years older than me. As for younger.... it would depend on the level of maturity but maybe 3-4 years younger.


Well-known member
I am with someone that is 9 years older than me. It works well, I’d say I’m fairly mature not in every way tho, and he has a fairly young in nature, we balance each other out. He’s the intellectual one and I’m the sagacious one, we learn from each other. :)

Thank you :) I'm not even sure if this was meant for me but it made me feel much better!
I'm 28 and my bf is 47. I never feel the difference in age. Whenever an age gap/era/music issue comes up I take it as a gift of learning about new things and vice versa.
Personally I think that is a large gap in age. I am not judging.
Somehow I have always thought that this is more accepted for women?
Am I wrong? I do not know any man that is dating a women 20 years older
then him although I do know of women which do that.
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I doubt, but as I don't have any experience in relationships, love, dating... so I really don't know.


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I agree with the fact that age doesn't matter since the biological age and mental age are two different subjects.Ive seen poeple over 50 still acting immature and young poeple being mature as well ... so I guess when it comes to talking about age ,the biological age doesn't determine anything about ones mental development .


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Personally I think that is a large gap in age. I am not judging.
Somehow I have always thought that this is more accepted for women?
Am I wrong? I do not know any man that is dating a women 20 years older
then him although I do know of women which do that.

Honestly it WAS an issue for me in the beginning. But he wanted it to work so much I decided to give it a chance. I will say he challenges me alot, which I guess is a good thing.

It also seems in this day and age women also are more and more dating younger men too. I could be wrong.


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I'm 16 but ideally I'd actually like to date someone significantly older than me like 25 or older. I've always been attracted to older men & they're not as immature as guys around my age.


Have older and would younger but not much younger, because teenage girls seem to be too whimsical most of the time.


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Of course. When it comes to males, I actually prefer them to be older. My current boyfriend is a month younger than me, lol. But I'm okay with that. With females, however, it doesn't bother me one way or the other. I'm not sure why. I would just want them to be mature and ya know, not annoying.


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I'm 22 and I would date a girl between the ages of 20 and 28. I wanted to write 27 but Summer Glau is 28 and if she ever asks me out I can't refuse.


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I would date somebody older than me easily... I find that most of the 17 year olds I know are attention seekers who only want to party. I'd like to find somebody with a purpose and strong opinions... which would most likely be an older person.
Younger? No.. after 17/18 is finally when hormones calm down. It usually makes a big difference to me if I were to date a 15/16 year old, unless they are a lot older in personality, which is rare in that age group..