Would you date someone way older/younger than you?

Kanye West

Well-known member
I could never see myself dating anyone my own age. I like being a "father figure" or what ever you want to call it but my problem is im only 19 so that would land me in jail lol. I think dating someone older would also be good for me because I believe im wise and mature beyond my years (minus that last post).


Well-known member
No, I highly doubt it. The problem with that is it increases the already insurmountable chances of me not being single forever.

^^as I said on the other forum to the exact same question lol.


For me personally the door swings both ways, What I mean is I would data some one who is 3 years younger then I am or 3 years older then I am. But then again if all depends on the person that I am think about dating.


Well-known member
I don't think age should matter within reason of course, i mean i couldn't date someone who was too much younger or older than me. But i think 10 years either was is ok for me at least!


Well-known member
Age matters with me, i don't know why. I wouldn't go with anyone over my sisters age which is 5 years older than me, id just find it a bit weird.
I don't really wanna go with anyone younger than me unless its a few months cos it tends to turn into a really immature relationship, with a lot of arguments.


Well-known member
I'd say, I go for guys who are usually older than me. Certainly not afraid to admit that older guys are a big turn on, not senior citizen but I'd say 40ish would be a good stopping point. That's to say who I find attractive.

At the present moment in time, it would be looked down upon really to be so young and dating someone so much older than me. It doesn't matter much to me but to the person in question, it might. With that said, I've never dated a guy younger than me, been attracted to some but it'd be like year or two younger and that's about it.


Well-known member
Thanks guys..i am so happy to hear this bcuz i was always worried that someone my age (41) would have a hard time finding a man that wouldn't mind if i was a few years older then he is. I don't know why but i always have this age thing in my head, even though everyone guesses my age at 29 or 30 and i get looked at all the time by men..of all ages!!!!!!

The man i am interested in now is turning 39 in a few weeks..its only 2 and a half years i know, but i wondered if he'd think i am too old for him i haven't told him my age yet..i'm afraid he'll ask me soon.

Now, is that crazy?????

I think its bcuz i've never been married :( neither has he.
Thanks guys..i am so happy to hear this bcuz i was always worried that someone my age (41) would have a hard time finding a man that wouldn't mind if i was a few years older then he is. I don't know why but i always have this age thing in my head, even though everyone guesses my age at 29 or 30 and i get looked at all the time by men..of all ages!!!!!!

The man i am interested in now is turning 39 in a few weeks..its only 2 and a half years i know, but i wondered if he'd think i am too old for him i haven't told him my age yet..i'm afraid he'll ask me soon.

Now, is that crazy?????

I think its bcuz i've never been married :( neither has he.

It's not crazy to worry about an age difference, some guys have a problem with dating an older girl and some don't. Everyone is different. You said you look 29/30, so therefore it might not bother him.


Well-known member
Everyone keeps telling me i am crazy bcuz a 2 or 3 year age difference either way doesn't matter at this age, especially when you look alot younger, but you never know.


It wouldn't bother me that much honestly. If it were an older woman, I would be more worried that she would be turned off by my lack of relationship experience since shes probably already been through all the learning stages.
My fiance' is 14yrs older then me. I don't think its a big deal. But we do get some weird looks. Like my one friend told me after I asked him his opinon, he said Don looks my uncle bringing his niece along..lol. I thought "oh thats just great" lol.
But really we get along great and I love him too death..
So to me age doesnt matter.


Well-known member
My fiance' is 14yrs older then me. I don't think its a big deal. But we do get some weird looks. Like my one friend told me after I asked him his opinon, he said Don looks my uncle bringing his niece along..lol. I thought "oh thats just great" lol.
But really we get along great and I love him too death..
So to me age doesnt matter.

yea same as me and my gf , there is only 5 years diff between us , but i look younger than 45 and she looks older than 50 , and i get some funny looks by girls mostly , but we get on like a house on fire so who cares right ;)

Uber Schnitzel

Well-known member
I'm actually dating a woman a little older than me now. It's the first time I've ever been with anyone older than me and I have to say it does completely change the dynamic of a relationship. But I ain't complaining - it's in a good way :D


Well-known member
It depends largely on what age range you're talking about. It's perfectly fine for a 40-year-old to date a 27-year-old, since both are matured adults.

But I'm 22. Therefore I probably would never date anybody younger than 19. And no older than 26 or so.


Well-known member
I'm 28 and my bf is 47. I never feel the difference in age. Whenever an age gap/era/music issue comes up I take it as a gift of learning about new things and vice versa.