would a guy like a girl who has no ..friends?


Well-known member
I don't think he would stop liking you exactly, but I would think that he's going to want you to be more outgoing and hang out with him and his friends. Are you up for the challenge?


Well-known member
A 'normal' person would definitely find it weird. If you have never been through it, you would probably find is quite strange that someone, otherwise quite normal looking, would have no friends.

For me, I've been through most of this, and don't have many friends. So, it would be quite understandable.


Well-known member
You could always use it as an excuse to get to know his group of friends. After all, you've got the space in your diary, and the best girlfriends (apparently) can get on with a guy's friends, so why not?


Well-known member
yea totally....I love weird girls!....they're my favourites!.....I wouldn't care if she had problems....so long as she's got a good heart.....a girl who is honest about her weaknesses in life is always miles more attractive to me than a girl who hides her insecurities and pretends to be normal.


Well-known member
i believe being a shy female is much more easier than being a shy male because males should undertake most of responsibilities of social life.
Also a self-confident male can give trust to his gf and protect her while anyone does not expect females to do these things though many females do so.
so it wouldn't be so vital for a male to have a sociable gf coz this can't be regarded as a threat for pair's success.


Well-known member
...I mean, ya i know, stupid question but...say you met a guy and he likes u b/c he thinks your really cute, has a good personality and wants to get to know u better.. ...but would he still like you after you told him you have no friends and no social life?
honestly, he would think of u as a sore loser and would never talk to u again, right?...I mean this is coming from a NORMAL guy, who has no anxiety issues and lives a normal life
...would he still like the "cute" girl after she told him ...everything..?

Honestly, you gotta watch out for some normies(normal people). One reason is that normal men are.... JERKS! A lot of them care about sex mostly. Sure, they will stay with you for a while if your good at it or they are happy. It's like that until they get older and less of a jerk, but younger(under 30ish) you shouldn't trust, but that's not with them all.

Another problem is he might just not understand why you have no social life, he might actually like you, but he just might not know what to say or do with you so it might not seem like he likes you or it might be too confusing for him. He might not like it if your afraid to go socialize with his friends, but then again a normal person could be a good thing for somebody with SA. Since they like eachother that could help the person with SA go outside more, give them more confidence to go out with the person they like.

A tip if he sticks with you for a while. If he brings up anything about sex then maybe you should get away from him, or atleast get away from him if he brings it up too much. I'm a guy, I know how they think, I really HATE how they think, I despise:mad: it, I wish I wasn't a guy::(:. A nice girl with SA shouldn't have her life ruined by a jerk normie.

I'm sorry if any of this sounds bad.
Good luck though. :)


Well-known member
Hell ya - I would prefer it this way. I would rather be with just her and not with her plus her friends. I wouldn't care if she has no friends and no social life - all the better. Although this post might be biased as I am a loner and like girls who are also loners.


Well-known member
Having friends and a social life should not prove how beautiful and great you are. :)

I think it's strange to ditch or turn away a girl just because she has no friends or social life....not the other way around.

But I really agree with Ericisme above. Unfortunately, very real but good advice. Having an idea about what intentions are behind a new friendship/relationship is a must.


Well-known member
I would absolutely love a girl who had no friends, except for me of course.... If I were her only friend on Earth, I would and could love her for eternity unconditionally.


Well-known member
Ok im a girl and im going to be honest...I think it really has effected my relationships. Not to the point where we broke up because of it but it did make a big difference. As an example since I have been at uni I went out with a guy for just over a year, we did fall in love and it was great but he was really outgoing, sociable and made friends easily. So he used to struggle with the fact that I didn't really have any other friends to hang out with, i'd want to avoid parties and he loves to go and speak to everyone. Also it bothered him that I wasn't more friendly and relaxed with his mates and family. He did love me, so its definitely not a deal breaker....but I know he really wanted a girl who was more outgoing and had more friends.

With my current boyfriend...again its not a deal breaker but when he's asking what i've been up to it tends to be pretty dull because I dont really have people to go out with.

Unfortunately I think this is the sort of thing that for a "normal" (sorry) soical guy it starts to annoy them after a while. They may love you...but are they meant to sit in with you all the time or look after at parties. I spent everyday with my boyfriend as he stopped me being lonely but it was too much for a young couple!

It also adds to the pressure of the relationship because all your feelings, energy, love, time and interaction is with him.....way too much.

Anway thats my experience of it....im in the same boat as you. I hope you find some great guy who isn't bothered...and by the looks of the thread he does exist :)


Well-known member
depends on the guy...a guy who just wants to get you into bed would have an issue with it coz well your not seen as a "cool" lay....but a guy who has feelings for you and cares about you then no, it would not matter...and it should not matter anyway.


Well-known member
Hm. I definitely would. In fact, I wouldn't be interested in a girl who has friends, because that would mean, were we to get into a relationship, that I would have to befriend her friends, lest I alienate her from them.


Well-known member
Hm. I definitely would. In fact, I wouldn't be interested in a girl who has friends, because that would mean, were we to get into a relationship, that I would have to befriend her friends, lest I alienate her from them.

This is kind of what I was trying to say...I dont think anyone would not like someone that doesn't have friends...but if they are social then making it work with their friends and going out is where it becomes difficult! One of you ends up having to change your lifestyle.

My ex goes out so much now we're not together...I feel bad that he missed so many things he wanted to go to...to stay home with me!


Well-known member
its the curse of the lovestruck at first sight, and sometimes it works out fine, everyone is so different but generically speaking if the person is your everyday normal(whatever that means), outgoing, and sort of a yuppie type(harsh). as in a follower of popular trends that can't understand people who may be different, then making a friend out of them is still a possibility but it may become a tricky situation once you see them around their friends and clique. that can be a grueling task if they are confident/close around each other and you are new. also i've noticed that some girls jump from guy to guy and change their minds in a friendship group which can cause friendships to suffer, then jelousy kicks in.

also it may be a perfect situation, you never know what'll happen.
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Well-known member
I think it's strange to ditch or turn away a girl just because she has no friends or social life....not the other way around.
Personally I wouldn't be bothered if someone had friends or not. I dunno how many guys would be bothered by this, though naturally no girl would date a guy who has no friends because one has to be popular to be attractive.


Well-known member
though naturally no girl would date a guy who has no friends because one has to be popular to be attractive.
Which is absolutely natural, since it serves as a pre-screening process. A guy who is popular - that is, has lots of females around him, who openly like him - can only be great to be with. Guys who have had lots of female friends and/or encounters are generally seen as very attractive, since they have once been chosen by other females, hence are relationship material.

Most women fail at realizing that the relationship ended, but that apparently isn't a relevant factor.


Well-known member
I dont see why not,I would be interested in her,wouldnt give a damm about her friends.


Well-known member
It depends on the guy. The only way you can know for sure is if you tell him what the deal is. If he doesn't stick around then you'll know that he wasn't the guy for you. I hop everything turns out well regardless of how it turns out. :)


It's interesting to see this from a different perspective, I didn't think women would have that concern. But yeah I haven't heard any guys complain about that yet but I could see how it would be an issue if they wanted to go out and mingle and your SA was severe enough to keep you from going with him.