...I mean, ya i know, stupid question but...say you met a guy and he likes u b/c he thinks your really cute, has a good personality and wants to get to know u better.. ...but would he still like you after you told him you have no friends and no social life?
honestly, he would think of u as a sore loser and would never talk to u again, right?...I mean this is coming from a NORMAL guy, who has no anxiety issues and lives a normal life
...would he still like the "cute" girl after she told him ...everything..?
Honestly, you gotta watch out for some normies(normal people). One reason is that normal men are.... JERKS! A lot of them care about sex mostly. Sure, they will stay with you for a while if your good at it or they are happy. It's like that until they get older and less of a jerk, but younger(under 30ish) you shouldn't trust, but that's not with them all.
Another problem is he might just not understand why you have no social life, he might actually like you, but he just might not know what to say or do with you so it might not seem like he likes you or it might be too confusing for him. He might not like it if your afraid to go socialize with his friends, but then again a normal person could be a good thing for somebody with SA. Since they like eachother that could help the person with SA go outside more, give them more confidence to go out with the person they like.
A tip if he sticks with you for a while. If he brings up anything about sex then maybe you should get away from him, or atleast get away from him if he brings it up too much. I'm a guy, I know how they think, I really HATE how they think, I despise

it, I wish I wasn't a guy:

:. A nice girl with SA shouldn't have her life ruined by a jerk normie.
I'm sorry if any of this sounds bad.
Good luck though.