worst movies of all time!


in a VAN down by the RIVER
"Get Carter" with Sylvester Stallone: A horrible movie and a total waste of Michael Caine.

"The Avengers" with Raef Fiennes and Uma Thurman: It was such a jumbled, hard-to-follow mess that I re-wound it a couple of times, thinking there was a scratch in the disc.

"Batman and Robin": Pure sacrilege.


Well-known member
I have to say that a few of the movies mentioned I actually don't mind. A lot can pass by me when I'm watching a movie, I don't mind too much. I don't critique everything down to its last morsel, I pick out the good parts that I like even if there are few. That being said, I can gauge the quality of a film. I really don't mind too much if there's not a definite ending to a movie. I really tend to appreciate most ideas put to film even if they aren't that greatly executed. 80's movies, chick flicks (which also happen to be composed of 80's movies), bad suspense, I don't really mind.

That being said any parody movie I cannot stand

And I mean, George Clooney? C'mon, not all is bad. Maybe I'm just oggling though.
Not the worst, but they butchered the original feeling of the Resident Evil series. I hate Devil's Chair with a passion. The Dragonlance movie was absolutely horrible and makes 80s animation look good at times (I'm not exaggerating... look at the trailers if you're interested)... but the way they chopped off huge sections of the book is just as bad.


titanic...soooo long....soooo sappy...soooo boring. i'd rather not have a gf then have a gf that made me watch that crap again.


oh also Pearl Harbor. never have so many good hot actors(affleck, hartnett, beckinsale:D) been in such a fail movie::(:

i remembered cause they keep playing this commercial on tv telling everyone that they are showcasing this failfest this week. you aren't honoring the sailors...


Well-known member
Bio-Dome. Worst movie ever!



Pirate from the North Pole
I don't know if I was not in the good mood to watch this or whatever but Transformers bored me to death.


Well-known member
There are so many that I hate. Armageddon comes to mind right now, though. That movie is so incredibly awful. Pearl Harbor, too.

*Edit* Let me put it this way: basically anything by Michael Bay, is sh*t. :)
The Last Airbender.

The animated series was great, but the life action movie just wasn't. It just kinda copied and rushed what happened in the series. A needless movie that was a waste of money, if you ask me.
The Last Airbender.

The animated series was great, but the life action movie just wasn't. It just kinda copied and rushed what happened in the series. A needless movie that was a waste of money, if you ask me.

I don't get this "RUSHING" thing... Clash of the Titans suffers from it too in my opinion. So did the Dragonlance thing I mentioned (come on... speak up you Dragonlance fans who've watched it)...

I get the cutting costs part... but come on...

Ahem... "I knew at once you were a bender..." Feels like there's something wrong with the sentence...
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Well-known member
There are so many that I hate. Armageddon comes to mind right now, though. That movie is so incredibly awful. Pearl Harbor, too.

*Edit* Let me put it this way: basically anything by Michael Bay, is sh*t. :)

You should see The Rock or The Island. That's two good movies (!) Michael Bay actually put his name on. ;)


Well-known member
Into the Blue - Even Jessica Alba couldn't save this.
King Kong remake
Death to Smoochy
Batman and Robin
Batman Forever
Simpsons Movie
Forgetting Sarah Marshall