worst movies of all time!

L Hilla

Well-known member
Vacancy. That movie was sooo boring... nothing special. Hotel manager disguised as a serial killer and attacks residents and videotapes it. But it was so freakin cheap looking, damn!


Well-known member
Little Miss Sunshine- Why?, just why?
anything with Cameron Diaz in it- I gag through every movie I see her in.
Twilight- Filled with cheese.
Can't think of anything else right now.


Well-known member
The worst film i've ever seen is 'Hercules in New York' which is Arnold Shwarzenegger's first film. He's more wooden than Noah's Ark!


Vacancy. That movie was sooo boring... nothing special. Hotel manager disguised as a serial killer and attacks residents and videotapes it. But it was so freakin cheap looking, damn!

i was looking forward to that movie (the trailer make it seem so good)
but i agree with you "L Hilla"

boring and cheap looking


Well-known member
Vaccany was utter crap. The previews really made it look like it'd be a good movie, but it was just a waste or time.

And yes, Cameron Diaz is such a bad actress. Can anyone tell me what ype of accent she was suppose to have in Gangs of New York?!?!
As dodgy as the film was, especially compared to the greatness that was Parts 1 & 2, I still think the ending to 3 was amazing. Just the last scene - kinda summed up the end of a 'dynasty' and end of an era. Wow.

Yeah, his attempt to make the company legit, and his daughter’s death at the end was very saddening. He felt sorry for what he did, confessed to the man who would bring him down. In the end, you cannot run away from your past.

I feel like getting the DVDs out now :)


Well-known member
lol yeah! Also the part when he fights a Bear which so obviously a man dressed in a suit is cringeworthy::eek::


Well-known member
Is that movie intentionally suppose to be bad though? By the looks of the preview, it seems like it.


Anyone seen the original Fantastic Four movie?? Not the one that came out a few years ago. That was so horrible it was funny XD.


Well-known member
Dogville with Nicole Kidman is one movie in recent memory that I thought was terrible. I've seen alot of bad horror movies I can't remember the names of. The remake of Friday the 13th wasn't too good.
Is that movie intentionally suppose to be bad though? By the looks of the preview, it seems like it.

I'm not sure. No one really knows. The director and star (the "you are tearing me apart lisa!" guy) claims that it is supposed to be bad and awkward. Other cast and crew members say they it was suppose to be a serious film.


Well-known member
eight legged freaks, don't normally switch off a film no matter how bad it is but this one broke that cycle