worst movies of all time!


Well-known member
God Father 3 (Though, I nearly cried when his daughter died)

As dodgy as the film was, especially compared to the greatness that was Parts 1 & 2, I still think the ending to 3 was amazing. Just the last scene - kinda summed up the end of a 'dynasty' and end of an era. Wow.


Well-known member
The Lady in the Water. It didn't help that my stomach hurt during it, but what a piece of utter crap. M Night Shamalan's example of complete pretentious shit. I mean who thought this would be a good movie.

Another one was the Happening. It's not horrible when you're watching it, because the anticipation is there. But in the end, nothing literally happends! How ironic.


Well-known member
The Lady in the Water. It didn't help that my stomach hurt during it, but what a piece of utter crap. M Night Shamalan's example of complete pretentious shit. I mean who thought this would be a good movie.

He got paid $12,000,000 for that pile of **** apparently :rolleyes:


Well-known member
The jacket was shiteee! 5 people watched it in the cinema were i seen it hahahah

You have an Oscar winner in it and Keira Knightley who was coming off a box office smash in Pirates. But how the hell do you get both to do such a shit movie? This is one of the few movies where I rented it and didn't even bother finishing it.

The same went for The Number 23 with Jim Carey. It was so bad I just stopped it and returned it.


Well-known member
Little Otik - an Czech film about a woman who nurses a tree stump like a baby until it becomes alive and starts killing people. It was so bad it made me angry. I only paid £2 for it though...Get what ya pay for!


Well-known member
that sounds like a great film :D

worst films I've seen are...
date movie (it started of okay and then went down hill very fast)
terminator 3 (the first two are my favourite films-but this :mad:)
jaws 3
war of the worlds 2
...the list goes on...if you have sky movies then everything they show on the horror zone channel basically :)


Ha, how do you people have so much time and patience to watch bad movies (and then, even spend time to write about it on a forum). When there is something I don´t like, I just don´t watch it in the first place :). That said, I was never a TV/film person, I hated TV from kid. But still I must say, there are some vey good movies and all respect to those who made them. At the same time of course there is so much trash that if you don´t weed it out, it could easily take up your whole life.


Well-known member
Ha, how do you people have so much time and patience to watch bad movies (and then, even spend time to write about it on a forum). When there is something I don´t like, I just don´t watch it in the first place :). That said, I was never a TV/film person, I hated TV from kid. But still I must say, there are some vey good movies and all respect to those who made them. At the same time of course there is so much trash that if you don´t weed it out, it could easily take up your whole life.

That's the thing though. You generally don't know a movie is bad until you actually see it. You really can't tell much from previews sometimes. How do you know a movie or TV show is good until you actually watch it? Base your opinion on what someone else says? Or an assumption? Basing your life on assumptions can easily take up your whole life also.


Well-known member
I saw an Indonesian film once and it was probably worse than everything posted here put together, which are at least competently made ::p:.


The Hulk (The first one, not the 2nd) was the worst movie EVER.
Million Dollar Baby (the 2nd half of this movie SUCKED and was painfully boring)
The current Harry Potter movie
Every Marvel movie except the new Hulk and Ghost Rider
Four Rooms (OMFG THIS MOVIE WAS HORRIBLE and painful to watch)
Don't mess with the Zohan (absolutely sickening)
Borat (Same with the movie above)

Ill add more when they come to mind.


That's the thing though. You generally don't know a movie is bad until you actually see it. You really can't tell much from previews sometimes. How do you know a movie or TV show is good until you actually watch it? Base your opinion on what someone else says? Or an assumption? Basing your life on assumptions can easily take up your whole life also.

I know I know, you´re completely right. I am probably a bit biased here because I have so little patience watching even good movies... I always feel like I´m wastin my time doing nothing... I prefer doing something active, not just siting and watching. Maybe it´s bearable if I´m doing something else as well at the same time. I definitely prefer books to movies. I´m not saying movies are bad, no way, but that´s just me..
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