Will A Woman Ever Ask ME Out?


Well-known member
Yes, I have been asked out by a few different women. Most women tell me that I have a sense of mystery about me because I'm not that talkative. I guess it's the whole challenge thing, perhaps. That being said, I've noticed only a certain type of woman is willing to ask out a man. In my experience it's the flirty, friendly and outgoing type. So yes, it does happen on occasion.


Active member
Ah, all I need now is the manual that explicitly details what these 'signals' are and how they are conveyed, and I might be set.
As someone who hasn't the ability to read body language, I at least need a pamphlet, or flash cards.

I do respond, though. A blank look, or cowered head with wildly darting eyes is, I take it, inappropriate? :D

You can Google things like "signs woman likes you" and find thousands of results. Are they accurate? Hell if I know. But they should give you a starting point at least.


Well-known member
I too am surprised at the number of guys saying they've been asked out by women. Even more than one woman! It's never happened to me in my lifetime. I went to college with 30,000 plus students and lived in a co-ed dorm, attended grad school with 80% women and worked with about the same ratio. But good for you. I just thought the only time it happened was at Sadie Hawkins dances or with the town nymphomaniac.


Well-known member
Yes, I have been asked out by a few different women. Most women tell me that I have a sense of mystery about me because I'm not that talkative. I guess it's the whole challenge thing, perhaps. That being said, I've noticed only a certain type of woman is willing to ask out a man. In my experience it's the flirty, friendly and outgoing type. So yes, it does happen on occasion.

Never happened to me. I must be doing something wrong then because Ive meet plenty of these women types. lol. Good for you tho.


Well-known member
if you don't ask a woman out, you will be


Well-known member
She might ask you out depending on how drunk you are and how big her adam's apple is...

realistically, I don't think girls ask guys out, they flirt, and will make moves and what not, but the traditional male asking girl out thing appears to still be intact


Well-known member
From my experience, woman will ask guys out but usually it will be in terms of "A few of us are having a party on the weekend, do you want to come" (or drinks etc). Your first response of course is always say yes when that question is asked if you want any future chance with that person. Once you have said yes and decide to go to the party, you need to make sure that you will be able to draw and keep her attention at the party. It us up to males to impress the females, like most male species do in nature.


Short answer is no. And if they do ask you, they're usually crazy or desperate. I basically agree with the last poster that says it's up to the male to impress the female. However I find that with human females, it's not the strongest, smartest, most fertile, most attractive, male that gets the best ones. It's the male that provides them with the most drama, which they equate with excitement for some illogical reason. Even though this is the same guy you'll hear her complain about endlessly, she'll fall for it ridiculously and repeatedly each and every time. So what you want to do is get yourself some tattoos, use small words, wear wife beaters and a hat, get arrested a few times, etc. Then they'll show you some interest guaranteed ;) Or if your a nice, intelligent, stable, and reasonably good looking guy, you can hold out hope for the other 1 percent of them that you might come across if your blessed or lucky. Good luck!


Well-known member
Got me thinking. I only had 2 girlfriends and it was long time ago (when I was like 16), but both actually asked me out first. Hmm...


Well-known member
I've only had one girlfriend in the last ten years and nothing would've happened if she hadn't made it perfectly obvious to me that she liked me more than friends.

Any and every attempt I've made to initiate things myself has been a complete rejection coated failure.

So I've pretty much resigned myself to living a life alone, unwanted and am trying to make the most of this existence.


Well-known member
Short answer is no. And if they do ask you, they're usually crazy or desperate. I basically agree with the last poster that says it's up to the male to impress the female. However I find that with human females, it's not the strongest, smartest, most fertile, most attractive, male that gets the best ones. It's the male that provides them with the most drama, which they equate with excitement for some illogical reason. Even though this is the same guy you'll hear her complain about endlessly, she'll fall for it ridiculously and repeatedly each and every time. So what you want to do is get yourself some tattoos, use small words, wear wife beaters and a hat, get arrested a few times, etc. Then they'll show you some interest guaranteed ;) Or if your a nice, intelligent, stable, and reasonably good looking guy, you can hold out hope for the other 1 percent of them that you might come across if your blessed or lucky. Good luck!

Most of this is true (basically, MTV and reality shows took over where natural selection ended), but most girls are through with their fascination for wannabe gangsters by the time they graduate from high school.


Well-known member
Most of this is true (basically, MTV and reality shows took over where natural selection ended), but most girls are through with their fascination for wannabe gangsters by the time they graduate from high school.

agreed. that was kind of ott.

A friend

Well-known member
You'll probably think I'm crazy after you read this, but I'll post it anyway:

The way I see it, if people can't find love (no first kiss, date, relationship, anything like that), then they probably deserve better than the people they ask out, or they deserve to have something better than romantic love.

Not only is there more to life than romantic love, there's probably many things that feel better, make you happier, make you grow into a better person quicker, etc.

It's not fair for people to be depressed just because they are not lucky in the hell-hole that many have labeled "the dating world".

My advice, take anti-depressant pills and things like that, talk to Kiwong and get his

advice (he's a smart guy, trust me), and get plenty of exercise (like bike-riding, running, swimming).

Before I started having seizures, I did those things for hours, and not once did I think of romantic relationships.

Being strapped to SA (and having anxiety trap you in your house), may prevent you from

these luxries, but if you manage to get the anti-depressant medication, and the exercise that works your body, you might have the chance to free yourself from the sadness that takes away your happiness created by something that you can't recieve.

I think that if you never have a love life, you obviously deserve something better. If you can't find that special someone, then you are going to recieve something greater.

Love isn't this "magical best thing in the universe". If it was, then why do 70% or marriages end in divorce? Why do some people commit suicide if they experience heart-break?

The answer: The media of the united states (and possibly other nations as well) have brainwashed people into thinking that it's wrong to be single, and wrong to be a virgin, when that's not true at all.

The reason why so many people are middle aged single virgins is because the people they ask out don't want them.

It doesn't matter if you have SA or not, most women just automatically select the men they like and don't like.

You can't control other people, and you don't command their thoughts or desires.

If you're going to be single forever, then you have no control of that, nor does anyone else.

Everyone on this forum who's single deserves something better than a love life if they can't recieve love, and even if they do, it might do much more harm than good.

Life is not built just for romantic love, it is made specifically for what you want it to be.

Romantic love is only meant for human reproduction, nothing more.

Love will never solve all of your problems, and there's probably a chance that you're depression isn't caused from being single.

Will a woman ever ask you out? No. Will having a soul-mate make you happy? Never.

Does being a 40 year old virgin (or older) make you a bad person? If anything, it makes you the opposite.

Am I doomed to remain single forever? Who cares?! Enjoy your freedom from being single! Enjoy being able to do whatever you want when you want! Girlfriends/wives can't bring you happiness. If you think that, then you've been brainwashed by the disease ridden cess-pool we call the media.

Will I die alone, cold, and miserable? No, if you have friends and family, then you will NEVER be alone. If you didn't have a girlfriend before you reached you're 20's, then

women aren't going to like you, AT ALL. It doesn't matter if you're single forever, if you're single and still unhappy when you have become a senior citizen, then it's not being single isn't why you're depressed. It's probably a chemical problem within your body.

Ultimately, you can talk to whoever you want to about love, but no matter what you read or hear, you're never going to find happiness from having a love life. You're the one who brings happiness into your life, nobody else.

It's up to you to get the happiness that you deserve, you can't expect anyone else to provide your joy in life.

I've learned a lot about romantic love in the last few months, and one of the things that I have found is that if you are going to enter a relationship, you need to be able to handle someone else's emotions.

That's definitely a sign that love is not the key to happiness, because your girlfriend/wife is not going to be happy all the time.

So...yeah, love is not the key to happiness. It's just another job, except you don't recieve money, you recieve a slow, painful death that makes you regret the day before you were even small reproductive cells.

We deserve to choose for ourselves (what makes us happy).
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A friend

Well-known member
The only way I will ever date again is if a girl asked me out.

I wouldn't like to be rejected. I feel I would just be laughed at if i was to ask someone out.

Although, I'm quite happy on my own. If it happens, it happens, I'm not going to stress about it.

This is an idea that should be promoted all the time everywhere.
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Well-known member
i feel the only way for me and indeed others, is to find a woman in a "heat of the moment" exchange. a quick display of who i am inside, not a slow date, but dare i say "love at first sight"

yuck, sorry i said that :rolleyes:
Well, at the current state I'm at now, I would never ask someone if they would want to go on a date. But, depending on how long I've known the person/how much I like him, i might ask him to come over to watch a movie :D

I have had a few friends who asked guys out all the time. I always used to ask them, "Doesn't it make the guy feel weird?". They said that most of the guys they asked out were flattered. I think that if you are open and don't look like a total creeper, then there is a good chance that someone you know that likes you would ask you out.

But even if I didn't have SA, I would want a man to ask me out, not the other way around. I'm not sure why.


Well-known member
Used to be the only way I could get a date was to ask myself, was rejected so many times by ****s so beneath me. Now that I'm better looking I get to turn them down and it's awesome.

But for the record I bet I've asked out guys at least a dozen times, so it does happen.