Why are you depressed at the moment?


Well-known member
I'm depressed because I have no friends, I'm not capable of any sort of social interaction, when I'm around people including close family I just freeze & shut down & I don't know what to say, do or talk about, the doc took me off my meds (mirtazapine 45mg the highest dose allowed) because they wasn't working, split up with girlfriend of 12yrs after I found out she was cheating :mad: & I'm stuck living in the same house as her as I've nowhere else to go at the moment because I've got no money.


Well-known member
Because yesterday's Half marathon went pear-shaped. I really feel post race depression, I am so restless at the moment. The burning dissapointment stings. But I haven't thought about my anxiety in all that time. That is where runnning is so good for me, even the bad races are a distraction.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I don't know, really. Maybe it's the constant daily struggle of having to live with a physical disability like cerebal palsy, and feeling like life's just passing me by. But family don't seem to understand that.

Because I don't really have any friends.

I'm extremely awkward socially, to the point that I feel totally inept.

Because I still don't know what I really want to with my life.


Well-known member
Sometimes I am a funny person but i think my perfectionism/obssesive is my enemy. I was reading today a notice about the perfectionism. We are depressed because we can not become our idea. I can be relaxed for 1 or 2 minuts. Later. again worries, and again.
What s to be relaxed? Think nothing...
I can not have friends or couple, i can be here, alone. it is not a problem. however i always have in my mind a thing to do later.


Well-known member
Having a really sucky day. No one has called me or come to visit me (except my junkie/alcoholic father with his usual ramblings). Have had a sense of dread and impending doom all day. Thinking about a girl I like and pulling myself down by telling myself I'm not good enough for her. My landlord is selling his house so I may be without a place to live in a month or two. One of my Chinchillas is terminally sick so I will have to put him down anytime now. I'm still without a job, and have no idea how I would handle it if I got one. Generally my situation seems hopeless and I can't see any way how things would get better at the moment.
I'm not very pretty or smart and don't have much going for me. I still can't get a job and I've been trying for over a two years. My parents don't really seem to like me and have been taking a lot of their crap. I cook and clean and do a lot of for them but they have never really been proud of me and make me feel bad about a lot of things. I try to help them but they are so long gone that it seems like nothing can be done. They believe therapy and therapists are for weaklings. I have only had one friend in my whole life and that person I barely see. I have zero social skills and a speech impediment. My family talks to no one and doesn't permit me to talk to people. I really wish I was someone else.


Well-known member
I feel lonely and depressed all the time.
My self-asteem and confidence are at an all time low.
And now, every time I feel like I have a real friend, I realize that they're mostly just using me and don't actually like me for who I am.
And for some reason I still talk to them because I have noone else left.


Well-known member
thinking about my future really scares me... I don't know what I'm going to do with myself. I always thought that by now I would be dead, so now I'm realising that if I don't kill myself I'm going to have to face life sooner or later. That scares the crap out of me :(


Well-known member
I'm not. Haven't been in a while. Very thankful for that.
I wish no one would have to suffer from depression.
Hope everyone get's better.


Well-known member
It will all be ok - our fears are always worse than the reality. You will find what you're going to do with yourself, or more likely it will find you - keep positive and take it all in small steps :]
That's some good advice. I will print it out and put it on my wall :>


Well-known member
I'm not really depressed - I'm furious, at myself, that I was ever so stupid as to move back with my parents again!! Grr

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
None of the things I want are here. Everything is far away. I have no job and no money despite trying hard to find one. Without money I can't join as many clubs and things as I'd like to, so I can't meet new people.

I'm paranoid and need to rely on a computer or a telephone to have interaction with my friends because they all live at least 2 hours away when really I'm better face-to-face. I feel like my social life has gone and there's nothing exciting in my life because I can't do anything. Yes I go out and exercise and write and things but I'm still lonely.

I feel like everybody elses lives are way beyond mine. Everyone else my age is getting married or moving in with loved ones. I don't think I'll ever manage a relationship until I'm over the S.A and so everytime I get feelings for somebody it ends in disaster because I know it's never going anywhere.

I know my problems aren't as severe as most but I'm just getting frustrated now because I'm really trying to make things better for myself but it seems like none of it ever helps.

I have a constant tummy pain from the stress, low appetite and I don't even feel like I can breathe half the time.

I want to go back to being me again but I'm starting to believe I never will.

The End.

What's important here is the one thing you mentioned several times - that you're trying. The things you want to achieve may not come to be as quickly as you would like, but they will happen. Some of them are beyond your control (the job situation, for example - you can't help the current state of the economy) but you are doing everything that you can.

Your recent move has been quite a wrench for you, as it's left you feeling very isolated, but this really is just a temporary setback even though it might not seem like it right now. You will go back to being you, and you'll look back on this time and see how short a time it really was in the grand scheme of your life. It's just so difficult to see that when you're in it.

Hang in there, Twig. This is just a phase, and phases always end.


Well-known member
A good friend of mine passed away yesterday..

Some son of a bitch though it was funny to spike her drink on a night out.. (she didnt drink alcohol) on top of that im not copping with this pregnancy and having problems with family and neighbours..

Life just sucks at the moment ::(:::(:


Well-known member
Probably because I'm tired and want to go home. I'm usually not depressed in my up periods, but I'm visiting my sister right now and I often get anxious when I've been away from home to long. Or it may just be for no reason at all.


Well-known member
because i'll probably have to repeat class. for the second time.

i feel like a failure and at the same time the last few months were the best of my life: i finally made really good friends. So it's basically like i'm trying to hold on to the little bit of positiveness in my heart while being swallowed by a black hole of depression.

But im a bit paranoia so i'm constantly thinking about whether my friends really like me as their friend


Well-known member
I miss my best friend, and I wish she would initiate contact more. I just typed up a whole message to send her on Facebook, only to just erase it because I think she probably won't care. She hasn't talked to me since April, and even then it was only small talk, wishing me a happy birthday and what not.... Bleh, I need to get out of this mindset. She's probably just busy, she always is. Plus, we've been friends for almost 11 years, I don't know why she would suddenly stop caring. Sucks she lives so far away now.

Ugh, depressing rant over.


Active member
I think I enjoy being depressed. Gives me an excuse to not care about the world around me, and myself. I feel emotionally dead. Death sounds so appealing.


Active member
I'm depressed because:

1. I don't have, can't seem to find, and thus basically expect I never will have, a job, and I therefore am supposed to "go out" and "do things" all the time, by myself, at low cost.

2. As I'm boring as hell and don't really have any interests, #1 is nearly impossible, so I spend most of my time doing worthless crap on the computer.

3. I'm sick of fighting (and living) with my mother.

4. I still don't have any friends.

Yay? ::(: