Why are you depressed at the moment?


Well-known member
The fact that today's my 18th birthday and I didn't talk to anyone aside from my mom and brother. I also only went outside for about 4 minutes and that was only to buy a bottle of pop. Even the one "friend that I have didn't call.


Well-known member
There are a few reasons why I'm depressed these days.

First of all, I'm starting school in about a month. I'll be moving away, all by myself for the very first time. How I'll be able to cope with having to talk to people myself, pay my own bills, etc. I haven't even dared to think about yet. I'm nervous and pessimistic about starting on a school I've never been to, and where I'll probably end up getting lost or something, and I am scared it'll be like the previous times I've tried to go to school: I won't be able to get to know anyone/they'll barely know I exist, I'll get extremely lonely and I'll end up suicidal again. Fun fun fun fun.

I've also recently noticed my anxiety has gotten worse again. It's probably because I'll be moving and beginning to school... And I really don't handle change well at all. Or being around strangers all day long. Or being in a new place all by myself. Ugh.

And if that wasn't enough for me to focus on at the moment: my young and healthy dog suddenly got sick out of nowhere and died last week. Just thinking about him makes me feel nauseous, and I have to say this was horrible timing for him to die. I wasn't prepared at all, and I'm still in shock. Hope it'll go away before I begin school.
My face because I broke out in a bunch of zits and I'm not getting on every well with my mom. It's also summer and I have no social life so I'm spending it alone.


Well-known member
absolutly and totally FED UP ......i make efforts to get to know ppl and try make friends with them but no one wants to know me , ive had enough. all i want is a friend whys it so hard::(:


Well-known member
I dont know what i want to do in life; i feel like i'm taking the wrong path just to please everybody else.
I just found out my best friend is going to study away so looks like I'll soon be a loner=(


Well-known member
my parents

living with them so having to hear all they're bothered with and all I don't want to hear about

lack of finances (and/or courage) to live independently on my own

lack of control over my life or what happens around me

too many expectations

being too undecided - not knowing what to do, and then doing nothing much yikes

my unpredictable moods and not sure whether I could rely on myself in certain things

worried about some other people too, and some other things


Well-known member
i'm not depressed at the moment,i'm not depressed at the moment,i'm not depressed at the moment,i'm not depressed at the moment,i'm not depressed at the moment.


Well-known member
I wish I had a clue. I can never find a trigger to my depression. It just comes and goes and I'm so frustrated with it right now.


Well-known member
I'm depressed because some psycho shot and killed over 80 teenagers and blew up our government building killing at least 7 and wounded 90 people. I know someone who escaped the massacre and he saw the guy going around executing people, shooting everyone in the head with a shotgun to make sure they were dead.
Depressed every day (comes and goes) probably due to a number of things: Not eating well, skipping meds, isolation, loneliness, inactivity (staying in bed all day), weather (winter/SAD; lack of sunlight?), minor worrying thoughts triggering depression (have well-ingrained negativity/depression pathways in my brain), recent changes, possibly lack of a well-rounded spituality/philosophy (am working on)
Because I always wanna book great results. If i fail, I feel like a huge failure.
I'm writing a contract about agreements.
I really want to make it perfect, it is making me feel stupid, dammit, I need to get something nice on paper! This is an important piece of paper!


Well-known member
I'm depressed because some psycho shot and killed over 80 teenagers and blew up our government building killing at least 7 and wounded 90 people. I know someone who escaped the massacre and he saw the guy going around executing people, shooting everyone in the head with a shotgun to make sure they were dead.

Even though I don't personally know anyone involved, that definitely is making my depression even worse right now. It's basically the only thing on the TV and online, and I'm sure that even if it wasn't, I'd still think about it every second of the day... It's just horrendous, tragic and surreal.

I was staying up and watching the live updates that first night, and I don't think I'll ever forget that moment when I read "at least 80 dead" on the screen. I was so shocked and upset I didn't know what to do with myself.


New member
That if life's over at the end, nothing I have done will have mattered. If it's my effect on people that matters, what happens when the earth is consumed by the sun in millions of years. It doesn't make sense when I say it, but it's still my thought process. I have no drive to do anything if it won't matter, then I feel worse because I never do anything. I'm letting down the people who care about me, as well as the person that left me money to cover university when she passed away. I'm just coasting through school with no direction, wasting their money. Added with my anxiety, I've basically spent the last two years isolating myself from everyone.


Well-known member
That if life's over at the end, nothing I have done will have mattered. If it's my effect on people that matters, what happens when the earth is consumed by the sun in millions of years. It doesn't make sense when I say it, but it's still my thought process. I have no drive to do anything if it won't matter, then I feel worse because I never do anything. I'm letting down the people who care about me, as well as the person that left me money to cover university when she passed away. I'm just coasting through school with no direction, wasting their money. Added with my anxiety, I've basically spent the last two years isolating myself from everyone.

It's right now that matters.

Welcome to the forum Turbo :)