What were some of your horrible experences with "friends?"


Super Moderator
I am removing him from my life before school starts, this was recent.
But after the second incident my depression got worse, as I considered him my best friend at the time. When i saw that my "best friend" didnt care about me, i just gave up for a bit. Didnt really talk much, slumped around the house Piderman style, didnt eat, didnt really sleep. Kinda went catatonic.

I'm sorry to hear... but glad you will dump him. You don't need people like him making things worse for you.


Well-known member
I'm sorry to hear... but glad you will dump him. You don't need people like him making things worse for you.

Getting rid ov him is the first step to getting my life on track, he was the cause ov allot ov my problems, mostly my bad self esteem.


Well-known member
I had a supposed best friend when I was younger. During this friendship I had went on a vacation for a few weeks, and all seemed well. About halfway through my vacation, my coach called my mom and started screaming. Turns out my best friend told her I wasn't on a vacation, but at a different training center. My coach refused to listen to my mom, and refused to coach me again. I stupidly confronted my "friend" about it (hey, I was only 9! And stupid lol). This opened so many more issues since she told her mom the coach made it up... Ugh. Was such a mess.
I also had a friend that claimed I copied her. She called me so many awful names. It was a huge shock for me, since I thought we were close.
Then I had my friends who abandoned me when I started getting hospitalized for an illness. Been a loner since.


Well-known member
I've recently reunited with a rather unfortunate character who doesn't seem to understand that bringing up some of the worst years of my life (a suicidal period early in my teens) in casual conversation is more than a little awful... I really don't want to talk to him because he's overall very tactless and insensitive, but I'm not good at telling people off.


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I've had so many over the years. I'm too tired to explain now, I will in the afternoon whn I wake up or tonight.
I've never had any close friends, so my horrible experiences are quite limited. However I do recall one occasion in the 7th or 8th grade when I was at a bus stop with some "friends", and they were putting me down as usual. They all got on the bus (I was waiting for a later bus) and a really old guy (he was probably 25) said something to me about the people who had been making fun of me. I said, "oh those are just my friends". To which he replied, "they aren't your friends".

Of course, he was absolutely right, and for some reason the memory has stuck with me.


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My friend started hanging out with a school bully narcisist and ganged up on me with this new friend, came round to my house and basically bullied me.

A female friend kept commenting on that i was ''so quiet'' and that she disliked being in my company. Also she made me feel like crap in her uni fashion show party by telling me i was too shy to be a proper man.


Well-known member
^ I want to smack her. >_>

I hate it when people say men should behave big and macho.

She came back into my life in 2002 after i had not seen her for 2 years her having gone to uni, she was on her final year at this stage and she basically for two months flirted with me, made me feel great, made me feel i had a chance with her only for her to go cold on me, saying this stuff and flirting with this guy who was modelling for her ''because he looked like a member of westlife'' (a boy band)

I still haven't got over the way she treated me::(:


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I had this one friend who I knew since PS. I thought we were good friends, but when I started getting bullied at HS, he dropped me like a hot potato. Then he became friends with those who were bullying me. (Meh, I hate that word. I said I wouldn't use the B word again and I just have. I'll stop writing in brackets now)


Well-known member
These all happened when I was much younger, like high school age:

I always had "friends" who would make jokes or just talk badly about me behind my back. I would find out that whatever joke they were telling in front of me had a hidden meaning and it actually involved me. I was never made aware of the inside joke until somebody else told me later or I figured out the real meaning. This was actually a learning experience for me and taught me how to handle people like that later in life.

I had a "friend" who was always friendly to me when she needed a ride or to borrow money. She would pretend to be interested in a relationship just long enough. I caught on to her quickly though and spent the remaining time of our acquaintance avoiding her.

I had a "friend" who never wanted to see me do better than him at anything. We were fine as long as I had less than him or equal to him but achieving or having more than him was grounds for war. We were both shy as teens and I remember how much of a hater he was when I got a girlfriend first. He spread rumors that I had an STD under the pretenses of "just playing".
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Well-known member
I had a friend like this, too. Good to hear you caught on to her tricks before it hurt you too badly. :)

Yeah. The thing was, I was never that interested in her to begin with. Thought she was kind of cute but I knew almost immediately that she wasn't my type. She was too into recreational drug use and I wasn't.


Well-known member
Yeah. The thing was, I was never that interested in her to begin with. Thought she was kind of cute but I knew almost immediately that she wasn't my type. She was too into recreational drug use and I wasn't.
Recreational drug use isn't bad but if she was pressuring you to try some, then it becomes bad. It doesn't sound like she liked you very much, anyway, so you're better off. Did you lend her money often?


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I had a friend who punched me in the face because I beat him to retrieve the good arrow in archery practice.


Well-known member
Recreational drug use isn't bad but if she was pressuring you to try some, then it becomes bad. It doesn't sound like she liked you very much, anyway, so you're better off. Did you lend her money often?

Nah, I actually never loaned her money but she would always ask (I think I did give her a few dollars once when I first met her now that I think about it). The worst was that she would harrass me into driving her around to other friend's houses so she could bum money off them. The funny thing is I usually had the money in my pocket but would usually tell her I was broke. I really didn't like being around her and looking back, I don't even know why I bothered driving her around. I remember one time I took her to a friend's house to borrow money and waited for her out in the car for like 45 minutes. Why I didn't just blow the horn a few times then drive away is beyond me. Well, I was only around 17 at the time. I was still way too nice back then. She never pressured me to try drugs with her, she had other friends she could share her habit with. Things got really bad for her though. She became addicted and spent time in jail. I saw her one night about 10 years later. She was in a car in the parking lot of an apartment building I was renting (she didn't live there). She was with at least two guys doing who knows what. She recognized me and tried to strike up a conversation by asking me what kind of drugs I was doing these days. I reminded her that I didn't do drugs and had no interest in trying. I then walked away and have never seen her since.
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Most of my fake friends are from elementary. They're friends who cheat off of me - probably the only reason they hang around me. They're also very competitive when it comes to bowling. When I suck at bowling, they got angry and try to kick me off the team, doing everything from insulting me, giving me the middle finger, and ostracizing me for being a loser.

It was from experiences like these that I became very selective in choosing friends. I want genuine friends who like me for who I am, accept my flaws, and stick to me in the good and bad times.


Well-known member
Nah, I actually never loaned her money but she would always ask (I think I did give her a few dollars once when I first met her now that I think about it). The worst was that she would harrass me into driving her around to other friend's houses so she could bum money off them. The funny thing is I usually had the money in my pocket but would usually tell her I was broke. I really didn't like being around her and looking back, I don't even know why I bothered driving her around. I remember one time I took her to a friend's house to borrow money and waited for her out in the car for like 45 minutes. Why I didn't just blow the horn a few times then drive away is beyond me. Well, I was only around 17 at the time. I was still way too nice back then. She never pressured me to try drugs with her, she had other friends she could share her habit with. Things got really bad for her though. She became addicted and spent time in jail. I saw her one night about 10 years later. She was in a car in the parking lot of an apartment building I was renting (she didn't live there). She was with at least two guys doing who knows what. She recognized me and tried to strike up a conversation by asking me what kind of drugs I was doing these days. I reminded her that I didn't do drugs and had no interest in trying. I then walked away and have never seen her since.
Her descent seems pretty evident. If there was ever a reason not to do drugs, seeing her would be a great advertisement!


When I was in 8th grade I was in foster care with a girl that I grew up with. I was already being teased in school for having Cerebral Palsy, but because of learning difficulties I was in Special Ed. My "friend" told everyone she knew that she lived with a retard. People would get up from the table they were sitting at during lunch time if I came to sit down, people would avoid me as though I was contagious. It even led to a case of sexual harassment! That rumor affected me until graduation.


Well-known member
I loaned a dude 10 bucks and he never paid me back. Terrible right?

Though it was a good lesson if I try to keep positive. Never loan people money. You can give people money but never lend. Don't give people stuff unless you don't care about getting it back. Was many years ago yet I still remember it. I lost him as a friend. He tried to ask me for more money so I just ended up getting incredibly pissed telling him no and walking away from him.
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