what things have made you happy today?


Well-known member
I took my friend out for lunch...my first social contact in a month I would say...she seems to be the only friend I have left.
I visited Germany today, was really great :)
I shopped, and bought some nice clothes, and I've been recording some songs at home, but still hesitating if i will put them online on YT, but will see;)
& ofc.. Ushi always makes me happy:p. Loved her show (tv:p), like always:D



Well-known member
Sounds fun, Flower! You should youtube 'em.

Uhhh...bothering to put on some make-up made me semi-happy. Music is making me happy right now.


I was watching a video with Andy Dick dressed up as a turkey and harassing people on the streets, it was hilarious. I noticed there was a student behind me watching the video and smiling so I we made eye contact and I smiled back at him. That was a happy moment I guess. The most positive social communication I had all week.


Well-known member
I was watching this show on Animal Planet, it's called "I shouldn't be alive". Basically it's about people surviving through unbelievable situations, being stranded in the desert, mountains, ocean, or being severely injured while trapped somewhere, etc. Anyway really made me happy hearing these people persevered through such horrendous situations. Makes me also glad I am healthy and well.


Well-known member
I love "I shouldn't be Alive" it's a great great show! It doesn't make me want to travel to those exotic locations like I used to think I wanted to though. lol


Well-known member
Running photos published in a running magazine
Photos of me published in Masters Athletics Handbook.
10km run
Long weekend is here.


Well-known member
Moving things up and down the stairs for reorganization. For some reason I love lifting heavy things around the house.. It's like an obstacle course/workout :D
I duffed up on one of the word game threads here, got them confused and did the wrong thing. What made me happy is that I didn't care. I used to be paranoid about making a mistake.:)


Well-known member
Good on ya, Phocas.

The final episode of Making Australia happy made me happy. I like the idea of spreading happiness like a virus.

Thanks for pointing out that the show was on Phocas, I might have otherwise missed it.