What kinds of people are you attracted to?


Well-known member
I like shy, nice and cute girls.

It's so rare these days, to see girly girls (sorry for the women here). But it's just a fashion like any other. In Japan for example, the idealized woman is the one I mentioned.
In Western countries, televisions tells woman to act like Hollywood types, the stereotypical "woman who's independant".

Just because someone is shy, nice and cute it doesn't mean they can't be independent. I heard that Japanese women can be feminine on the surface but quite a dragon in the home.


Well-known member
I like penetrating gazes from pretty eyes, aesthetically pleasing masculine jawlines, hip bones, lanky bodies, gentle manners, humor, intelligence, integrity, affection, introspection and open mindedness.


not actually Fiona Apple
Kind, Caring, Smart, a little shy, pretty (in a innocent kind a way), and very sweet. And strong enough to stand up for herself but who would let me be her knight in shinning armor anyway. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
im really picky when it comes down to it. i like really hot, nicely dressed girls. i like brunettes and darker hair and with a good tan.
i have very high tastes. too bad they will never be fullfilled. :(


im really picky when it comes down to it. i like really hot, nicely dressed girls. i like brunettes and darker hair and with a good tan.
i have very high tastes. too bad they will never be fullfilled. :(

I feel pretty much the same way. Dark hair is good, so is hotness, but tan not so much. I like a nice pale complexion, that's just me. I also like a girl who can hold her own in a knife fight, or can swing a sack of door knobs like nobody's business. ;)


Well-known member
I feel pretty much the same way. Dark hair is good, so is hotness, but tan not so much. I like a nice pale complexion, that's just me. I also like a girl who can hold her own in a knife fight, or can swing a sack of door knobs like nobody's business. ;)

what about advanced pepper spray skills?


Well-known member
I'm also very much attracted to goth/punk/indie girls.

It's just nabbing any girl, much less that specific style, that's the problem. >_>


Well-known member
yeah I don't like looking into my eyes or anyone else's. Except at the gym, I like staring into myself when trying to lift heavier weights. I'm like "don't be a pussy, you can lift this **** you piece of crap"

I'm attracted to the male version of myself. Tall, pale skin, black hair preferably but not necessarily. I want someone who appreciates art and literature, who can actually hold a conversation with me. Intelligence and kindness are the most important though, although I must admit if he was hot enough I might settle for someone a little dumber :p


Well-known member
In a man, I like me a good, sturdy body, I cannot stand thin guys. If I can't hug and wrestle with you, it ain't gonna work. Taller than me, preferably brown or black hair, a great smile and an infectious laugh. Someone I can trust to let me be me, and while still having a close relationship, having our own lives too.

In a woman, she's gotta be a bit shorter than me, long hair, great legs, and again, darker hair and an infectious laugh. And submissive... sorry but I like my dominance in my men, not my women. Someone who has her own sexuality, and attractiveness, without selling out to the bullsh*t in fashion and stuff... someone I can take in public and around my friends with ease, but not clingy.

Wow... re-reading that... I'm a picky b*tch LOL thank god I found my man :p


Well-known member
I have to say, by far, goth girls are my favorite.

If I ever have another girlfriend, she has to be goth. My standards have gone way high since I started not caring about being alone and sad all the time. I won't settle for less. Well, I'd consider raver girls, hippie pothead girls, and punk chicks too lol

So what's your favorite look/style/attitude/personality in looking for love from the opposite sex?

So you go for the types who seek a miserable-glorifying, image driven, or reckless lifestyle?

Good call :rolleyes: humbly I speak
Yeah, it can be kind of unnerving. It does start to feel like it's another person staring at you.

Unnerving, strange word to be seen. Two n's.

I can stare into mirror's eyes long time. See past them. No problem. Somehow different from pictures.

Attraction: Spent more than 20 years in mine own mind. Starting to free. Cannot answer question truthfully. Will say: I want out.
