What kinds of people are you attracted to?

Solo Dolo

Well-known member
sadly the truth is im attracted to sexy girls. unfortunately or fortunately (however u wanna look at it) appearance matters to me. i like a nice smile (nice set of teeth). and a nice everything else too. personality wise, i dont like materialistic or fake girls. i like a good looking girl who is "real", you know, with some actual substance to their personality.


Well-known member
:mad: Not true!! Sexiness has very little to do with looks anyway as far as I'm concerned. I'm not desperate or a liar.

Well let me rephrase. For men, if we see ourselves as not ugly, we cannot be with a girl who is considered unattractive. We must be with someone who is on our level of attractiveness or higher. I've tried being with a woman way below my level of attractiveness physically and it doesn't last very long.

Ever heard of the Ladder Theory? http://www.laddertheory.com/


Well-known member
Lol silly people. I'm kind of glad I'm not very attractive. I would hate to be liked for that and not for who I am.
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Well-known member
Lol...ok, from my pov I find myself kind of ugly.

If I considered myself pretty and was certain others did as well I think I would be unhappy that attention was paid to me for something superficial and from no real merit I possessed.