What kinds of people are you attracted to?


Well-known member
^ don't ever be sorry for who you are. This is your life. You can be whoever you want to be.


Well-known member
I am attracted to guys that are kinda nerdy, but not hardcore. I am usually attracted to dark hair, brown eyes and tan but tan is not necessarily a must. I like guys that I am sure I will comfortable being around and have to have a lot in common. Of course, you can't be ugly. I do not like guys that are whores and *******s. I can't stand guys who call girls whores all the time and when they whore around they are all like whatever. On a scale from 1 to 10, a 6-10 is what I prefer as far as it goes for attractiveness. Does that sound picky?? lol I am sorry.

sorry, I'm a whore

but if it helps, I don't have a lot of asterisks


Well-known member
what's a mooninite?

Haha now you know nothing!


Little pixelated aliens with attitude.


Well-known member
I live 15 minutes from Seaside, and I only went there once this whole summer. Last weekend. Wasn't crowded much, it was a little chilly, and I ate my face off. I do love boardwalk food ;/


Well-known member
I'm about 25 min from Atlantic City. Used to live right outside of it. Ran around like dark little gypsy kids (with my brother) on the boardwalk playing the claw machine with my mom's tips all summer when she worked in the casinos. Fun times.
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Well-known member
Faces, with eyes and teeth being the most memorable features.

Intense, wild eyes and a nice smile win every time.

Besides that, long hair is, like, totally awesome. Girls nowadays rarely let their hair get to an impressive length, but they really should :D

Appearances aside, someone who has passionate interests in the world around, before and after them. Sooo.. basically some crazy INxx hippie chick with a preference toward T.
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Well-known member
I like women who don't mind me playing videogames. I like women who play videogames. Maybe even give me a challenge in Versus modes. That would be awesome. Also maybe a musically inclined woman who plays an instrument and could teach me or we could jam out together. Preferably 5'0 to 5'5. 100 to 140lbs. Dark hair. Dark eyes. Must like techno or at least be tolerant of it.
I love girls that play video games... it's hot... means they're not "stuck-up" girlishly... I don't know to explain it. Maybe because I'm a geek it attracts me.

I almost hooked up with a huge video gamer girl who had a lot of similar interests with me (played same games liked same music) and who was also cute.... I kinda ****ed it up pretty bad though (due to my SA) :(:(:(:(


Ever since I first played as Chun-Li in street fighter I've been attracted to women who know how to fight because it shows she takes respects and takes good care of herself.


not actually Fiona Apple
Kind, Caring, Smart, a little shy, pretty (in a innocent kind a way), and very sweet. Strong enough to stand up for herself but who would let me be her knight in shinning armor anyway. :rolleyes:

Question, would it be creepy and unethical to put up a picture of the girl I'm basically describing here?