I chose a succinct and sub/consciously apt handle that I thought suited both my personality and the place of it's employ. I could make up a funny anecdote to make it's origins more compelling, but you see, years ago when I was touring Europe with a high school theatre troupe performing a crappy rock opera version of Shakespeare's Tempest, I told by one of my hosts: "If you tell a story that's entertaining but a lie, people will enjoy the lie but, if the story is about you, they will eventually bore of you because your story isn't capturing you and they will see that. However, if you show some honesty and mix some bull**** up somewhere else in the story, well they'll eat that right up because they'll recognise you in the honesty and trust me (name censored) they'll sense the bull**** in you too and like it." But to be honest I couldn't understand him because it was all in Italian.