I like what I see in the mirror. There are flaws, to be sure, but nothing that can't be worked on. The only thing that truly worries me are the dark spots under the eyes - which are likely an end result of worry. Heh.
I'm more worried - rightly or not - about what other folks see. Slightly unkempt, long hair and a full beard sounds more descriptive of a hobo to me.
Recently as I was walking out of the supermarket I caught my reflection in a window. For an instant I didn't recognize that it was me. I was neutral of what I saw, I had little judgement and felt there was nothing wrong with the image. Then I realized what I saw was me and the loathing kicked in.
Someone who has been fighting real hard through a storm..
Someone who is crying for people to see who she really is..
Someone who is wanting to be stronger..
Someone who loves to see the world and is a life enjoyer..
Someone who is happy to hear the birds sing, reminds her of the beauty of life..
Someone who is raised as a little child but now wants to grow out of it..
Felt alone quite a lot of times, when I really needed help, people thought I was a screamer.. But I was a person who screamed for just an open minded listener..
An ambitioned fighter for school.. Dreams to become a 3D character designer.. Animator...Loves music deep from the soul... Walks away from problems too much sometimes... Loves to be with animals and hug them.... Loves to rock my mind set on different looks of the view.... Love to think of psychology how the communication between people works... Love that I have green eyes, love the fact that I'm stronger now..