What do you see in the mirror?


Well-known member
I see a beautiful young girl with bright eyes and a warm smile.

Yeah, I'm feeling confident today =)

:) Thats what we all see :p

On topic:

On the other hand, i just see uglyness :/
Ethier i am, or its mental thing.
Ethier way i'll still feel the same :/, no matter how i get told i'm not.
Maybe because i was bullied for years tho, thats prob why.


Well-known member
Day to day my appearance changes
Sometimes good, others not
Sometimes i accept myself other times not. Today I accept myself tomorow who knows


Well-known member
I see my face, it's full of flaws. I had servere acne issues that only started to clear up just a few months ago after years of trying to get it to go away. Accutane was the key, but now that the acne is gone (for the most part), all I see is scars. Scars and "shiny skin" because of how greasy my face is from my parents genes. I also see my squinty eyes and notice how the skin above one of my eyes "sags" and "droops" down (not like, blocking vision or anything, it's hard to explain). I also notice my hair and how frizzy it is and my gross eyebrows that keep getting thicker and thicker 'til I finally get sick of them and go get them waxed. Even when I have make up on, I can't help but point out how dry my skin looks underneath the make-up in certain parts -which is really baffling because without make-up, my skin is greasy looking, not dry.

Ehh... that was probably more details than anyone wanted to know. Sorry =/

Zoya Dulzura

Active member
So many people hate the way they look, and not to be too cliche or anything, but after all, you are your own worst critic. I hate having my picture taken and I avoid turning lights on when there's a mirror in the room, but I know that I shouldn't feel this way, because other people don't see me the way I see me.

"I'm intimidated by most people just because they have jobs"--lol! :D I relate to this so much.


Well-known member
I see somebody who has go soooo much to offer to people and the world.....

.....but i also see somebody who will never be able to fulfill their dreams.


I try to stay positive but honestly this is how i feel. Im not giving up though....




Active member
I think I generally look much better in the mirror than I do in photos.

I see a pale, tired, weak, lanky, often sickly, perhaps a little passionate, intellectual looking guy. I suspect that, even if some people may consider me somewhat attractive, they'd almost always prefer someone who is more conventionally attractive for a guy and that I'd probably appeal more to gay men than straight women (which is a little inconvenient in my case). I think I look even gawkier when I'm out in public, especially when viewed from the side.
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Well-known member
I don't even have the courage to list all of my flaws. Some of them are glaringly obvious and others I've noticed only because I look at myself too much, but basically when I look in the mirror I see a sad, stone-faced uggo. Looking in the mirror can really ruin my day...I get obsessed and can't stop.
i see a stranger...and it scares me. Pictures are 10 times worse. i just look so weird its like im not human (or atleast in my mind). i hate getting mypicture taken and i end up ripping it up. i like pictures of when i was younger, before i was sick. i look normal then...and happy.
I find myself attractive in the mirror, but not at all in photos. Although I'm probably just covering my arse in case anyone says i look bad in a photo lol
It's all bad - just bad feelings .. guilt, shame, disgust, etc (mainly seems concerning my "personality" or "self" these days)
So, since the feelings are beyond my comprehension, the causative thoughts (of those feelings) are beyond my knowledge, and the sensory triggering the thoughts ... all seem to be "set in stone", the only logical course of action (which i do) is to NEVER "study" my reflection in the mirror - as its causes just CRAP FEELINGS. Why continually put myself through that? (used to obsess/etc, but what i've found over many years, is that there is simply NO ANSWER to this "super-problem")
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Well-known member
I also think I look better in the mirror than I do in photos. I do think I'm quite unconventional-looking in general though. I see very, very few people with my height, or my broad bone- and facial structure. People tend to think I'm Russian or Bosnian and I'd be quite interested to learn what I am, genetically. I don't mind looking a little different though, I guess it adds character (or that's what I tell myself, haha).


New member
I see the same person I was when I was 14 years old. Bored, unhappy and a little insecure. Photos don't really help much as then all I see is an older man that's started a little beer belly and looks a little uncomfortable in his own skin!

I did learn to ignore these feeling however....as they say 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder', I May think I look a bit grim, but my wife says not...and that gives me comfort.