with all the virgin topics,this just had to be done
YouTube - Madonna - Like A Virgin (video)
^What Pookah said
While a more experienced guy could possibly know what he was doing (or not!), every woman/girl and every man/guy is different, so if the more experienced guy is not willing to learn what his new partner likes, a virgin is actually a better choice, provided he's willing to learn and explore and discover things together...
I think it's like it was said in another thread: someone who's just looking for a bit of short-term fun or something 'casual' and is fairly promiscuous themselves might prefer some experience, someone looking for long-term or that word 'love' would probably find other things relevant and important...
Desperation or coming on too strong can be a turn-off, yeah.. if you go about it in a playful manner and maybe tease her about it (in a friendly way) it could even be a fun thing? Like if she's more experienced she could 'teach you stuff' or if she's not, you could 'explore things together'... ?
It's good to know someone's opinion on these things and get to know them better before you even start talking about that..
lol Madonna ROCKS!!![]()
It's interesting to compare this thread with the "What do guys think of female virgins?" thread. In that thread, men took the question seriously and many answered that they don't like female virgins because they would get clingy after the deed was done.
In this thread, a thread for women to respond, many men are answering with, "Why does everyone care about virginity anyway?"
A lot of men cheat on their partner at least once in a relationship (sad but true). When you date a virgin, you can be sure that he isn't going to go and run around behind your back.
Sorry, but everything you just said is nonsense.
Where are you getting this "A lot of men cheat on their partner" from? Do you have any statistics to back it up? Or is it just based on conversations and internet postings and such? Because it's not true.
And "When you date a virgin, you can be sure that he isn't going to go and run around behind your back"...well...that just doesn't make any sense. Just because he was a virgin before hand doesn't mean he's going to be a 100% certainty to be faithful. I can't see where the logic behind that is...
Some people think that getting laid will cure all their problems but I am sorry to say it but it is not true. The most important is to start feeling better by yourself so you wont care if you are virgin or not.
Dont worry about if you are good enough because if you one day should be with a woman and it should happen that you would be in a situation where you could loose your virginity, then if she didnt want to do it because of you were a virgin, then she has the problem, not you, and of course it will go the over way if you are a woman, then it would be the guys problem.
It is important to work with yourself. If you feel good about yourself, if you feel that you have something to offer, and you do, because all people do, then you shouldnt have any problems at all.