What book are you currently reading?


Well-known member
I'm reading a story collection by Roberto Bolano. It's not the typical genre I'm in, and despite Bolano being, according to some sources, an incredible writer, it doesn't grip me. So... normally I read daily. But I have the Bolano book on my nightstand, and then in the evening I think these days "screw it, I'm off to bed".

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I'm in between studying several books for class, Homer's Iliad, Thomas Mann's Tonio Kroeger Angela Carter's The Passion of New Eve and Djuna Barnes's Nightwood.

I find The Iliad difficult to read if I'm honest, I'm only at book six, and I'm not really great at reading for comprehension with texts like this as I find them a little dense. I'm not a huge fan of the way it's written but I love the stories.

Tonio Kroeger is wonderful, if you're a Mann fan, which I am. I don't know if it's as good as Death in Venice but it's pretty great.. thematically it's pretty rich, there's a lot about The Artist vs Bourgeois Society and references to Schopenhauerian philosophy which I liked.

The Passion of New Eve.. uhh.. I can't say I'm a fan really. There's vaginal symbolism literally everywhere. You read a little, and you think, excellent, no more vaginas, but then a few more sentences and it's like BAM, vagina. I think it's decent if you're majorly into feminism.

Nightwood is another one to read with a feminist perspective I guess. If you're a Judith Butler fan you'll like this.. gender performativity seems to be a central theme. I actually really like the way this is written. It's plotless, but it has this kind of dark, other worldly feel.

For pleasure, I'm trying to read B.E. Ellis's Lunar Park, but I doubt that will be completed any time soon given that I lack the mental capacity to take in several texts at once.

I don't mean to be offensive about any of these texts, the authors are infinitely more capable of writing than I am, I think for the most part perhaps I don't always understand what the author is trying to say, or I haven't comprehended the text properly. Just my opinion I guess.


Jeremy Clarkson's round the bend

not as good as his others. He just goes on about each car model. The best were humourous

Roman Legion

Well-known member
Reading 2 books right now..

1) The Genius of the Beast - Howard Bloom

2) Civil Disobedience - Henry David Thoreau
I just picked up Warfighting: The U.S. Marine Corps Book of Strategy from my brother. It looks really interesting.



Well-known member
"It's All Too Much" Peter Walsh.

Get rid of your junk and change your life. Don't be owned by your stuff. Stop buying things and make do with what you have.
It speaks to me...


Well-known member

relate to sexuality/body image/food issues, but the writing style is eeehhh well, not the best. For some celeb to write a book, it's
good though