What book are you currently reading?


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I can't seem to add in pictures...How do i do it?...I'm sure, I'm doing it wrong.

If you remove the first "http://" from your URL, it should work fine, like so:

I'm reading Meatphysics by Jake Chapman

Absolutely fantastic book by a physics professor who has worked with Stephen Hawking. My mother picked it up from the library and it sounded so interesting that I borrowed it from her. I'm hooked. I recommend everyone with SA read it, because it tells you a lot about human behavior and interaction. Might even help you.


Looks very interesting. I'll keep an eye out for it at the book store next time I go.


I haven't started it yet, but it's not very long and I've wanted to read it for a while now.


not actually Fiona Apple
Absolutely fantastic book by a physics professor who has worked with Stephen Hawking. My mother picked it up from the library and it sounded so interesting that I borrowed it from her. I'm hooked. I recommend everyone with SA read it, because it tells you a lot about human behavior and interaction. Might even help you.


That seems interesting, I was thinking about how we are influenced by things without realizing it, or "subliminally," just the other day. Really the most subtle things are the most influential, as we don't even realize anythings at work, or when we think that something "won't effect me." Or so I've observed but what do I know ::p:


Well-known member
I loved that book, what did you think?

I found it wonderfully entertaining, and it gave me many things to further look into, but it was terrible flawed - some of the things can be dismissed with only minor research. I remain undecided upon how I feel about the premise as a whole, but it certainly provides something to think about. I have many other David Icke books to read yet, as that is only the third one I've read so far, but I'm reading other books in between...


Well-known member
Well he certainly has a large amount of books and he even says in most of them to do your own research and to take what resonates with you and leave the rest. Thats what Ive done. I find the 5 sense conspiracy quite interesting but I'm really a fan of the spiritual part of it where he talks about the nature of reality and such.
Eat and Run: My Unlikely Journey to Ultramarathon Greatness by Scott Jurek. Inspiring read. It's making me want to break out my running shoes and get back into it again (I need new running shoes though... blah...).

Really the most subtle things are the most influential, as we don't even realize anythings at work, or when we think that something "won't effect me." Or so I've observed but what do I know ::p:

This is exactly the premise of the book. You'd probably enjoy it ;)


Well-known member
Eat and Run: My Unlikely Journey to Ultramarathon Greatness by Scott Jurek. Inspiring read. It's making me want to break out my running shoes and get back into it again (I need new running shoes though... blah...).

My first and only running shoes are celebrating 12 months inside their box. Maybe I should read this.
^ Has anyone here read this? I'd like to discuss it with someone if they want to. For those who haven't, it deals with mental illnesses and other things. Quite interesting.

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