what age are you


Well-known member
I'm old Gandolf, though I don't look it... I feel thin, sort of stretched like butter scraped over too much bread.

I feel 150.... Legally I am 41 years old... <sigh> I'm old, wrinkly, starting to get gray hair, with fat deposits that never used to be in these spots before... Joints are achy, and knees creek when I move them. I tire much easier than when I was 20. My body is untouched by anyone, except for the doctor of course. How I wish I could find happiness with a fine lady that would fill my life with love till death do we part... Awwwwww would that be great. But alas, it is just a dream.

No sign of our quarry but what bear rock can tell....


Well-known member
I feel the same way!

its the other way with me mate :rolleyes: no one takes any notice of me cos im old ::(:::p:

Aw, not at all. Your ages provide you both with different experience and knowledge that we get from you being younger and the other being a tad older. Sometimes I think that being 19 means no one is going to take a thing I say seriously but they do, just all on how serious you are about the subject, I think we're all rather immature at times ::p: It's just in fun.


Well-known member
I just turned 27 which i'm not dealing to well with mainly because its the first time i've felt old even though i still look 19 and i feel much younger. because its the other side of the twenties and although i've been to university i'm still working a crappy part-time job in hospitality while everyone else in my family in their 20's have their dream careers and are getting married. its actually a frightening feeling to be honest, i mean if everything was in its right place i'd probably feel alot better about my age and progress and the lines meeting somewhere in between.

its also a real shock when your 15/16 year old cousins come around and are already becoming chatty and witty and confident and are doing things like playing in bands on stage and seem to know everything about history/movies/cultures/general knowledge because their memories are so good etc.

its just a really strange feeling.

i feel really uncertain about my future it would seem because its that age where if you're not grounded in life then it is quite a humiliating scenario especially with the prospect of dating people of a similar age and even friendships. i've always had this fear of age and this time its really starting to hurt.
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Well-known member
You know, this reminds me of this radio commercial I heard the other day. It was talking about guys over 30 who have "lost" their energy a bit, so they need "ENERGY VECTOR!!" It will make you feel like your 23 again!" I listened to it and started scratching my head... are all guys supposed to start going down hill when they reach 30?

I will be 15 at the end of May, by the way.:) I would say younger than a mountain, but older than stale lettuce, but you guys'd probably think I was like 33 or something then.

PS: I wanna go back to being 10 again, but I want to take my Kitty with me.:) Gosh, I would adore growing up with her!! I could give all those years of my life to her, instead of wasting them on mistakes and misconceptions.::eek::


Well-known member
You know, this reminds me of this radio commercial I heard the other day. It was talking about guys over 30 who have "lost" their energy a bit, so they need "ENERGY VECTOR!!" It will make you feel like your 23 again!" I listened to it and started scratching my head... are all guys supposed to start going down hill when they reach 30?

I will be 15 at the end of May, by the way.:) I would say younger than a mountain, but older than stale lettuce, but you guys'd probably think I was like 33 or something then.

PS: I wanna go back to being 10 again, but I want to take my Kitty with me.:) Gosh, I would adore growing up with her!! I could give all those years of my life to her, instead of wasting them on mistakes and misconceptions.::eek::

What are you talking about? We are 10;)


Well-known member
You know what is so dang depressing, is being one of the oldest people on this forum.... God what I would give to be 20 again, and actually having lungs that worked the way they are supposed to.....


You know what is so dang depressing, is being one of the oldest people on this forum.... God what I would give to be 20 again, and actually having lungs that worked the way they are supposed to.....

oh, dont you worry mate, i will soon catch up with you:)