So, who here is religious/spiritual?


Active member
Just curious and of course, some people don't feel comfortable talking about it etc, but I thought it would be interesting to know if shy/anxious people are more likely to be religious or not.

I was raised a christian, however I'm now an atheist. Church was just something I had to go to every week until I got old enough to make my own decisions, it never really stuck with me.

If you don't mind sharing, it would also be be nice to know why you are/aren't religious and if you are, why you chose that specific religion.

Just please don't flame anyone or turn this into a debate, I'm just doing a little personal research. I'm a firm believer that anyone should be allowed to think/believe/do whatever they like, as long as it doesn't interfere with the ability of others to do the same.
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Well-known member
I consider myself a lapsed Christian. There are times when I border on agnosticism, but that doesn't happen often.


Well-known member
a reminder to all

as the OP requested...

Just please don't flame anyone or turn this into a debate, I'm just doing a little personal research. I'm a firm believer that anyone should be allowed to think/believe/do whatever they like, as long as it doesn't interfere with the ability of others to do the same.
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Well-known member
I am spiritual but not religious. There's a difference between the 2. I practice yoga and meditation but am not a member of the Hindu or Buddhist religions. I believe in a God but don't self identify as a Christian, Muslim, or Jew.


Well-known member
I am not religious - I was connected with the Jehovah's Witnesses due to my mother, and partially believed it at one point, but I never liked it and I dislike religion for many other reasons besides my personal experience...

I consider myself a Deist - though I dislike labels as they usually tie people to a single set of ideas... and I know that there are Deists I disagree with and Deists I agree with to some degree or another... Therefore, although "Deist" I have my own set of beliefs and ideas... I believe in a God (or gods - I'm not too sure - but it doesn't really matter... Except philosophically, one would be more perfect than many, so I'm more drawn to that....) based upon reason, not upon faith.

I also find it very difficult to find people who I agree with on certain aspects as I'm usually somewhere near the middle... Nearly all the religious people would disagree with me, as would the Atheists... (These "aspects" are throughout all of life - not limited to "religious" ideas... But I won't talk about them as some of them will only spark a debate...)

I am also somewhat spiritual... I'm mostly drawn to natural things, and feel connected with trees, water and animals and very much espouse love and respect for all life.


Active member
As an extreme introvert, I like analyzing things in a deep way. I am a muslim. The Quran, holy book of Islam, for me explains things in such a deep and meaningful way. I think it is very misunderstood by the west in general. I have sympathy for sincere Christians who seek the truth and virtue but calling Jesus son/part of god is very illogical and it is the biggest sin in Islam. He was a man, he was born , he ate, he went to toilet etc. If there is a god he must be utterly superior and impossible to perceive with the 5 senses.


Well-known member
I'm not religious, but I do have a strong connection and love of the natural world, which is probably spiritual.
Daughter of one rogue ex-monk turned theologian and one born again Christian who disagreed on everything religious and spiritual & I was brainwashed by both a couple times over. This subject was engraved on me from childhood as the most important choice Id ever make with eternal consequences. No pressure. Both banned me from listening to the other at times and one forbid me entering churches. Both slung mud at the others belief system.

I looked in through many different windows of religion. I cant believe in any of it. Im an Athiest.

Pretty extreme but it taught me to ask questions and think outside the box which led me to Physics where I find my answers.
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I'm mostly agnostic. I align my behaviour to the nature of the universe. That could technically be considered a religion, albeit one without the element of an intelligent director.


Pirate from the North Pole
Daughter of one rogue ex-monk turned theologian and one born again Christian who disagreed on everything religious and spiritual & I was brainwashed by both a couple times over. This subject was engraved on me from childhood as the most important choice Id ever make with eternal consequences. No pressure. Both banned me from listening to the other at times and one forbid me entering churches. Both slung mud at the others belief system.

Sounds exhausting o_O
I am spiritual. And I love budha, for some reason, his beautiful mind. But I am not really busy with beliefs and such, I should really read more books about it or stuff like that. I never been to church, shame on me. I would love to go to American churches, the way they sing during Xmas, or is that just in movies?