So I got married!! And I was okay!

So..I got married March 20th and I was afraid about how I would be at my own wedding since I'm an Avoidant and have Social Phobia..miracle of miracles I was fine! I didn't feel self-conscious, I didn't feel nervous, I made small talk, I enjoyed my own day! I think one 2 reasons I was fine, because people kept asking me before the wedding, the weeks leading up to it..are you nervous? are you nervous yet? I think it was a reverse psychology thing..because people kept asking I wasn't. Because it was almost expected. Also I felt like everyone was rooting for me, I had the support of my family and friends, coworkers etc. They were all there to see me and Don, they were there for us in support of our relationship. I think the realization hit me like a ton of bricks. I mean unless you have a lot of family drama at your wedding, which I didn't..that could make you nervous.
I just felt so supported and loved there was no way for me to be nervous.
At times I would look around and feel like "this is for us" all this, we planned and made happen" It was great :)


Well-known member
that's freakin' awesome!! :) it definitely made me smile to read that! and makes me think that maybe when that day comes for me, i won't be as nervous as i think i might be! huge congratulations to you, i'm so glad you enjoyed your big day!!

so how have u been diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder by the way??

I'm self diagnosed. its easy, I avoid people..not so much now..I've gotten better by being on medication etc. But I would say for example, walk my dog at night instead of the daytime because I didn't feel like running into people or having to say hi to neighbors etc. Or if someone was walking towards me I'd cross the street, or if.. and I actually still have a hard time with this..if I feel someone wants to be my friend or they may ask me to hang out I avoid them. I avoid making new friends.