rate the last film you watched


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The Ledge: 7/10 stars

Kind of an unusual and good movie. It questioned religion a lot, which was a little weird. I'd recommend it because it was solid. You'd have to see it to really understand what I mean.


Jeff Dunham Controlled Chaos: 6/10 stars

This guy is always funny. Got a little boring this time but he's got some amazing talent.


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Cabin in the Woods: 10/10
one of the best movies ive seen in a long time. it was hilarious, original, and super epic! ive been telling everyone to go see it. it basically brought in every horror movie I already love and mashed it all together into one big horror fest of amazingness lol


Well-known member
A Very Harold and Kumar Christmas: 7/10 stars

Even though it was the worst one yet in the series, the funny parts were insanely funny. They may be running out of jokes it seems, but they still manage to work the crazy jokes in there and make those jokes work.


The Descendents: 7/10 stars

I thought this movie was excellent. Slow moving but had to be slow moving because of what it was about.

George Clooney, you are the man. He was as good as he was in Up in the Air. That kid they hang around that gets punched is funny too.

Beautiful scenery.


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The Heist: 6/10 stars

Had some hilarious parts and a good cast.


Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol 8/10 stars

Amazing scene unlike anything I've seen when Cruise is on the outside of a skyscraper and sticky climbing.

It's great just like all of the mission impossibles.


J. Edgar: 6/10 stars

Good film, had a lot of history and information and I got some education out of it. Di Caprio was great as younger J. Edgar, but looked ridiculous when they put that old J. Edgar mask on him.

Eastwood directs it, I think.


The Big Boss: 6/10 stars

Old Bruce Lee movie. I like his character a lot in this. It's great to watch him fight.


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Thor 2/10
This was one of the crappiest movie I have ever seen.
I`m amazed they get any people into cinemas to watch it.

Roman Legion

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The Avengers: 7.5/10

My parents talked me into going, I did NOT want to go and didn't have the money (being I had a negative bank balance..) so they paid for me and the movie was better than I thought it was going to be.

Thor 2/10
This was one of the crappiest movie I have ever seen.
I`m amazed they get any people into cinemas to watch it.

I saw it for free off a DVD the Army was playing.. It was awful.. When I heard Thor was going to be in the Avengers, I thought that was going to make that movie crap.. I was wrong..


Well-known member
The River Murders: 6/10 stars

It had good originality. I've never seen a movie where a hundred women are on a hit list like that.


The Entitled: 8/10 stars

Excellent ransom movie.

Oh yeah, somehow watched Ray Liotta in back to back movies. He's fun to watch.


Workaholics (show, Season 1): 8/10 stars

Hilarious stuff. Sometimes dumb comedy can be great.


Less talking, more explosions.

LOL! It's a Joss Whedon movie. There is always going to be lots of fast talking. I can't decide if I want to go and see it or not. I haven't seen either of the Iron Man movies and I'm sure that I would be lost, but I love Joss and I want to support him. Maybe I'll go see Cabin in the Woods instead.


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The Grey

The Grey Trailer (No. 3) - IMDb


Really enjoyed it, bit unrealistic but it kept me watching regardless.. some people will like the ending and others would probably hate it lol. But if you're a Liam Neeson fan I'm sure you will enjoy this film.
Dark Shadows 8/10

As is with most Tim Burton movies, it is visually stunning. And it has a wonderful cast (Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Michelle Pfeiffer, Chloe Moritz). I've heard almost nothing but good things about this movie, but I was afraid going in that I would have too high of expectations. I was also nervous about it being based on a soap opera. But it was a fun movie. It's a little more serious than the trailer and teasers lead on. It's funny as well, but a good portion of what would be the funniest jokes were put in the trailer, so that took away some of the laughs.


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Coraline - 7/10

This was pretty good, but it's not a movie I would watch a dozen times over. Not sure why, but I just didn't love it.

Sherlock Holmes - 9/10

Why did it take me so long to watch this? No idea, but I'm so glad I finally got around to it. Loved it! I really need to find the second one to watch. :)
Fast Five​


This movie is pretty much what you'd expect it to be; Fast cars, not a lot of story, characters you don't really care about and a lot of needless action that is quite a lot of fun to watch regardless.

As a action movie it's not bad. However, sometimes it takes this a tad bit too far.

This is especially shown in the opening scene where they are somehow capable of calculating exactly how a full bus with inmates will react to a out of control sliding collision. If this were a situation that happened spontaneous, it would've been okay by action movie standards. But them doing it in terms of a calculated plan is utterly ridicules.

The ending climax is not much different. They somehow manage to haul a enormous vault, that weighs 8 tons easy, across town with 2 cars. They sling it around in corners without ever really loosing control. They even run it into a building, ripping it apart, and drive off without getting stuck at all. As if the building was made out of pudding or something. Anyone that has little understand about basic physics will facepalm all the way through this scene.

Even if you have a engine capable of achieving light speed, you still need weight and grip to drag something when it concerns a land vehicle. Without weight/grip the only thing that kind of power will do is spin the wheels. Think cars on ice, no grip no forward momentum.

That is this movie's greatest flaw. It picks up realistic physics, shakes it a little, and throws it in the corner with the other toys it never intends to use again. But it has mild entertainment value, that's why I haven't scored it any lower.
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