rate the last film you watched


Well-known member
Public Enemies - 9/10

Very long, complex, and interesting. I LOVE movies with long storylines, especially when they're based on true stories, and especially when they take place in the early 1900s (with this film - 1930s). I did get a little lost in between the characters, as there were so many of them, so I've got to watch it again sometime. Overall though, fantastic film. It has Johnny Depp in it, so of course it's no surprise that it's absolutely awesome.


Well-known member
Prometheus 9.4/10

for the most part it met my expectations , a good few scientific inaccuracies that bugged me but ignoring all that looks amazing. not exactly scary but there are lots of scenes that will get your heart going make sure to watch this in 3D !!! :D
Prometheus 9.4/10

for the most part it met my expectations , a good few scientific inaccuracies that bugged me but ignoring all that looks amazing. not exactly scary but there are lots of scenes that will get your heart going make sure to watch this in 3D !!! :D

Interesting. That's a movie I've been debating about seeing.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
Prometheus 9.4/10

for the most part it met my expectations , a good few scientific inaccuracies that bugged me but ignoring all that looks amazing. not exactly scary but there are lots of scenes that will get your heart going make sure to watch this in 3D !!! :D

TBH I don't know that it benefits all that much from being in 3D. There are some scenes that work well with the effect, but for most of the movie I actually forgot that I was watching it with the glasses on.

I agree with the rating though. It is very good.


Well-known member
African Cats


I have watched countless of documentaries before and this one felt flat. I give it points on the cinematography alone because it was really beautiful to see, especially on blu ray.

Also, I didn't know Sam Jackson was narrating it and I nearly spit water on my screen when I heard him.


Well-known member
American History X
Edward Norton, nuff said.

Is good if you like trying to decode numbers before the characters in movies. I almost had it if I was better at X Y grid placements.

Dawn Of The Dead
Needed more zombies.

The Collector
I highly recommend this one.

Freddy vs. Jason
I'm Team Jason! I won't ruin who wins for whoever wants to watch it though.
TBH I don't know that it benefits all that much from being in 3D. There are some scenes that work well with the effect, but for most of the movie I actually forgot that I was watching it with the glasses on.

I agree with the rating though. It is very good.

Also good to hear. I don't like watching movies in 3D. It makes me nauseous. And I'll already be scared enough. I don't need aliens popping off the screen and staring me in the face.

So we definitely have to see this movie, phocas! I'd say we should see it together, but there is a lot of land and water separating us. :D


Well-known member
Shawshank Redemption. Many say it's the most liked film in the world, but I would give it a 8 out of 10 because I just don't know what a true friendship is between a man and another man.


not actually Fiona Apple
The Avengers - 9/10

Yes, I finally saw it. I had been waiting almost 3 years for it to come out, and I had very high expectations. I will say they were met. I was worried about the role Hulk was going to have in the movie, but I think they did a good job writing for the character.

Fear - 8/10

Yes, the one from the '90s with Reese Witherspoon and Marky Mark when he was still in the Funky Bunch. It seems like a perfect movie for every father towatcch with their daughter so they can say "see? Maybe I AM right about your boyfriend!" But it was good, I always love a movie with some innocence in it. And '90s music.

30 Minutes or less - 7/10

Just a mindless comedy. Watch it if your in the mood for a mindless comedy.
Fellowship of the Ring (Lord of the Rings)


Today was the first time I saw it. For shame, right?

I can't really add anything of substance to a movie that is this great. But here and there I had some trouble understanding what they were saying. I can understand the accent just fine, but with poor speakers and the music bashing through the dialog (again, due to poor speakers), it was difficult to make out what was being said.
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

I just saw it for the first time, was worried it would be too dated. That was totally not the case. I usually don't even like movies, but that was just plain awesome.


Prometheus = 7/10

Not Ridley's best sci-fi film. Blade Runner and Alien are yet to be topped in my opinion. But I think I might appreciate it more with time. I thought the trailer was amazing but the film itself didn't meet my expectations. Looks stunning though, I must admit.


Well-known member
Letters to Juliet. Normally I don't watch romantic movies, but I liked this one a bit. they deserved each other, there was no doubt. the whole love story is touching too
All About Steve 3.5/10

My sister made me sit through the end of this a couple of days ago. I think this movie could have had a lot of potential, but it was handled completely wrong. They tried to walk the line between silly comedy and profound drama and it just did not work.


Well-known member
Roger and Me-9/10.
Normally, I find Michael Moore and his movies to be stupid, but his first film he did in the eighties about GM closing its plants in Flint, Michigan was actually a very good film.


Prometheus = 7/10

Not Ridley's best sci-fi film. Blade Runner and Alien are yet to be topped in my opinion. But I think I might appreciate it more with time. I thought the trailer was amazing but the film itself didn't meet my expectations. Looks stunning though, I must admit.

I also saw prometheus and would totally agree with everything you said. I did go into it knowing that it was supposed to be a stand alone movie just set in the alien universe but still i was hoping for something a bit more. I hope they do make a sequel eventually.

Project X 7/10
I knew nothing about this movie beforehand, only that the youtuber Dax Flame was in it. This movie was a huge surprise and I really enjoyed it from beginning to end.


I also saw prometheus and would totally agree with everything you said. I did go into it knowing that it was supposed to be a stand alone movie just set in the alien universe but still i was hoping for something a bit more. I hope they do make a sequel eventually.

Project X 7/10
I knew nothing about this movie beforehand, only that the youtuber Dax Flame was in it. This movie was a huge surprise and I really enjoyed it from beginning to end.

Not sure if there's talk of a sequel but going by the ending of the film it seems like there could be a good chance for one.