Oooohh... green tea ice cream? I've never heard of that. sounds interesting though. as if I need another flavour ice cream flavour to try..
Thanks Opaline!mg:
Wow's like everything makes sense again *gazes at the sky*
Why do we talk to ourselves aloud? | The Columbus Dispatch
Hmmm. I talk myself through my homework sometimes because it helps me focus to say it out loud. Whether it's reading my articles out loud or saying, "Okay, so I'm going to write this part like..." It's like if I don't say it out loud I will get lost inside my brain and panic![]()
I want to be a master gardener, spend all day among plants.
That happened to me too last month or so. I believe those trying to get into your account do it for spam purposes. The IP address mentioned was, right? When you track it it goes to a place in the Ukraine.
When you enter the IP on Google it appears to be a common problem on forums.
Ugh, well I cant for the life of me figure out how to embed a vid on here, but I thought this was interesting. The guy is a little crazy but I always learn something interesting. Speaking of learning, if anyone knows how to correctly post a vid let me know.
Are you want the video show up when you post a link? When inserting any links here just type or copy and paste the web link after the "http://" code, at least ah think that how ye embed video or photos links on here? :idontknow: