Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I was drinking a bit less than a litre of water a day. About two days ago till today I started drinking way less water (not on purpose), and I noticed I barely had any acid reflux. I was having acid reflux pretty much every day, and now it's practically gone.

Another thing that points to water being an issue is that I usually have acid reflux at the gym, where I drink about 20 to 30 centilitres in about an hour. The other day instead of going to the gym I went to play some basketball by myself, and I didn't drink any water for almost an hour. No acid reflux there either.

I will keep an eye on my water intake for now. What issues may I have to be aware of now that I'm not drinking much water? Other than dehydration.
Oooohh... green tea ice cream? I've never heard of that. sounds interesting though. as if I need another flavour ice cream flavour to try..

Thanks Opaline! :eek:mg:

Green tea-flavored anything is amazing. Matcha - ground Japanese green tea leaves originally used for tea ceremonies - is the type and it has a sweet, grassy/vegetal kind of taste. Which may not sound appealing, but it is very popular (and so good). Also the most healthful green tea with most fiber and antioxidants due to it being the entire ground leaf. Expensive too. Wish I could afford a regular matcha habit.

Haagen-Dazs has green tea flavor, assuming you have that brand where you live maybe you could find a pint of it somewhere.

I had some of it today and the small amount of caffeine in it oddly wouldn't let me nap.
Shame that TWD just finished its season. With the GoT and MLP coming back within about a week at the same time, it would've made for hypest show night ever.


I think "mentally ill" is sometimes just a label stamped upon certain people whom no one understands...or dont want to take the TIME to fully understand...labeling is quick and easy and a more time efficient way to understand someone -_-


Well-known member
Why do we talk to ourselves aloud? | The Columbus Dispatch

Hmmm. I talk myself through my homework sometimes because it helps me focus to say it out loud. Whether it's reading my articles out loud or saying, "Okay, so I'm going to write this part like..." It's like if I don't say it out loud I will get lost inside my brain and panic :p

Hm, I don't really talk to myself when doing homework or something like that. Specifically thinking about maths and programming, I usually think about it, and if the idea seems like it's going somewhere I start writing it down/in the computer (if it's programming). If I get stuck I try to get my mind off it but I keep thinking about it in the background.

I do speak to myself though. Usually conversations about something that annoys me or my values or my hobbies or my beliefs. I guess it's pretty much any topic of conversation a person would have with other people, but I don't have that sort of contact so I do it with myself. I don't do it intentionally because of this, this is more like an attempt at rationalising it.


You want to know how I got these scars?
Sometimes I wish I had an adventure like.. the movie 'The Goonies'.

I want to find an undiscovered old pirate ship with a few good friends too!


Well-known member
Before my SA got worse, I was known as someone with a quick wit. Today, a guy at work was trying to make me the butt of his joke and just like that, all the years of built up SA melted away for just a few seconds. The wit was back and I zinged him good. Man, did it ever feel good to hear the room erupt in laughter and see his shocked expression as I made my exit. Afterwards, I felt bad for him and doubtful about myself. The SA was back in full force. But that moment in time today sure did feel good!


Well-known member
That happened to me too last month or so. I believe those trying to get into your account do it for spam purposes. The IP address mentioned was, right? When you track it it goes to a place in the Ukraine.

When you enter the IP on Google it appears to be a common problem on forums.

that makes sense -- random spamming. in my case, all of the IPs are in china. i feel a bit better knowing that i'm not being targeted specifically. :p


Well-known member
Ugh, well I cant for the life of me figure out how to embed a vid on here, but I thought this was interesting. The guy is a little crazy but I always learn something interesting. Speaking of learning, if anyone knows how to correctly post a vid let me know.
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Hie yer hence from me heath!
Ugh, well I cant for the life of me figure out how to embed a vid on here, but I thought this was interesting. The guy is a little crazy but I always learn something interesting. Speaking of learning, if anyone knows how to correctly post a vid let me know.

Are you want the video show up when you post a link? When inserting any links here just type or copy and paste the web link after the "http://" code, at least ah think that how ye embed video or photos links on here? :idontknow:


Well-known member
Are you want the video show up when you post a link? When inserting any links here just type or copy and paste the web link after the "http://" code, at least ah think that how ye embed video or photos links on here? :idontknow:

Yeah that's what I was trying but it just posts it as a link. Thanks for the response anyways :thumbup:


Well-known member
So last night I have this dream that I'm spending the night at someone's house on an air mattress in the living room. But they never tell me that the house is haunted. So they go to bed and I'm on the air mattress and a ghost appears and it's a child walking around saying stuff and opening and closing doors.
How does the brain come up with this stuff?

Heh, good video. The guy reminds me of a younger, hipper Bill Nye. The next generation Bill Nye maybe.

I've often wondered about awkwardness. What exactly makes something awkward? He explains it nicely.

The point about vicarious embarrassment is especially interesting as he says the more prone to it you are the more empathetic you are rather than easily embarrassed yourself. So if I watch someone do something awkward and I feel embarrassed for the person, it's not that I am easily embarrassed myself but that I am more empathetic by nature. That isn't what I would have thought at all. I always thought that meant I was just self-conscious and imagining making the same mistake. Or wait, maybe that is empathy anyway :thinking:
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Well-known member
^It's funny that you mention that Opaline because I saw Bill Nye talking with one of the guys from that channel. So he might either be working with him or taking inspiration from him.