Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
Yesterday I was thinking about when a non-native English-speaker said to "change the cloth", and today there is an advertisement for someone to "iron the cloth". I was also thinking about when someone came to my birthday party, and today I find that yesterday was his birthday (although I had previously been thinking that it is his birthday this month).
I feel like I should just stop going to the doctor unless I'm dying or missing a limb because every time I've gone with things that really bother me they've send me back empty handed.

I've gone there for my migraines, back pains, arm pains, and another problem I'd rather keep private, and it's been the same thing time after time again; ''Sorry, we can't really do anything about that.'' It's frustrating as hell, because it means the problems persist until they get to a critical state. Absolutely infuriating.


Well-known member
I feel like I should just stop going to the doctor unless I'm dying or missing a limb because every time I've gone with things that really bother me they've send me back empty handed.

I've gone there for my migraines, back pains, arm pains, and another problem I'd rather keep private, and it's been the same thing time after time again; ''Sorry, we can't really do anything about that.'' It's frustrating as hell, because it means the problems persist until they get to a critical state. Absolutely infuriating.

I complained of shoulder pain for 12 years. I saw many many Dr.s in the clinic system I was enrolled in. I eventually sought help outside of that system. After one visit to another Dr. they sent me for an MRI and found that my biceps tendon was torn away from the bone.
Sometimes the Dr.s have their minds made up about you before they even examine you. I swear they see that you have anxiety and automatically assume that your are a hypochondriac. I also believe they read the notes from the Dr. that saw you last and take their word as law (instead of figuring it out for themselves.)
Get a second and maybe third opinion (if your insurance allows for one.) Dr.s are the worst. I have way too many horror stories.
Hope you feel better soon.


Well-known member
I'm sick and tired of living 30 miles from the nearest city. Even if I can't make friends, at least if I lived in a city I could be around other people a lot and talk to other people some.
I complained of shoulder pain for 12 years. I saw many many Dr.s in the clinic system I was enrolled in. I eventually sought help outside of that system. After one visit to another Dr. they sent me for an MRI and found that my biceps tendon was torn away from the bone.
Sometimes the Dr.s have their minds made up about you before they even examine you. I swear they see that you have anxiety and automatically assume that your are a hypochondriac. I also believe they read the notes from the Dr. that saw you last and take their word as law (instead of figuring it out for themselves.)
Get a second and maybe third opinion (if your insurance allows for one.) Dr.s are the worst. I have way too many horror stories.
Hope you feel better soon.

Oh wow, that's really horrible. Did they at least fix your shoulder after that?

I might see a doctor again some day for these things. But after yesterday I'd much rather just deal with the pain for a while.


Well-known member
Oh wow, that's really horrible. Did they at least fix your shoulder after that?

I might see a doctor again some day for these things. But after yesterday I'd much rather just deal with the pain for a while.

Yep, got it fixed and the damage was so bad by that point that it took a year to recoup, but it's much better now. Still, I will never forget how they made me feel like a liar and drug seeker. I was vindicated in that instance, but the whole system is messed up. I choose who I see very carefully. I don't trust very many people, and even less Dr.s.


Well-known member
Some people get depressed around the holidays, but for some reason, I've never felt that. Halloween, however, always makes me sad/angry, it's such a contrived social-oriented holiday. To each their own, I suppose.


Well-known member
I was thinking of going to karate lessons in my gym but the only adult classes begin at 8.30pm, and I finish dinner at 8, which gives me 30 minutes to digest my food. Guess I won't be going to these classes, I already tried to make my mum have dinner earlier and the most she was willing to do was reduce it from 8pm to 7.45pm.

Why make the classes at this hour? In this country most people have dinner at 8pm, wouldn't it make more sense if the classes were at 6pm or something?


Well-known member
I wonder if there's an app or website where you can write down the things you need to do, how long they take and their deadlines, and then the app/website makes a schedule for you. I never follow through more than three days when I make my own schedules.


Well-known member
I wonder if there's an app or website where you can write down the things you need to do, how long they take and their deadlines, and then the app/website makes a schedule for you. I never follow through more than three days when I make my own schedules.

You should design one and become rich, it's a great idea!