Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I find it hard to believe how lazy employed people can be, they are getting paid for a job and don't want to do anything . I took my Mom to the grocery store this morning and I found myself having to bag the groceries and take them out to the car to load them up. There was a bag boy standing down at the end of the line to bag them too and then when we showed up to the cashier,, the bag boy disappeared and then showed back up when I had already just about bagged all of them. So, the bag boy pushed the cart of groceries out but then I ended up doing most of the loading. My Mom paid him a tip which I said to her I thought was so wrong. She should have given me the tip.. I did all the work. :veryangry:


Well-known member
I really need to get of the internet.

That kettle image has been on for so many years, and I actually have read many years ago that reflectoporn is normally a very deliberate attempt by people to get naked images into strange places.

You can look at it here.


Well-known member
I find it hard to believe how lazy employed people can be, they are getting paid for a job and don't want to do anything . I took my Mom to the grocery store this morning and I found myself having to bag the groceries and take them out to the car to load them up. There was a bag boy standing down at the end of the line to bag them too and then when we showed up to the cashier,, the bag boy disappeared and then showed back up when I had already just about bagged all of them. So, the bag boy pushed the cart of groceries out but then I ended up doing most of the loading. My Mom paid him a tip which I said to her I thought was so wrong. She should have given me the tip.. I did all the work. :veryangry:

Yeah what's up with bag boys these days? They are either really good, "gold medal" worthy or they are horrible! I think some of them are trying to move up, to say cashier, and some of them are wishing they were home playing video games, not a lot of in-betweeners.
Yeah what's up with bag boys these days?

There's a job that doesn't exist here anymore, the check-out person scans and bags, or you go through the self check and do it all yourself. I don't think they ever pushed your trolley and put your groceries in the car, either. We have to bring our own bags now or purchase new reusable ones.

reminds me of that song
...bag boys, bag boys, watcha gonna do, watcha gonna do when they come for you...


Well-known member
I went to Sydney on Monday to see my third psychologist. In the hotel I watching a move about survivors in the South tower on 9/11. They were interviewing a guy who survived in a lift that fell 78 stories to the ground after the cables were severed. He spoke of a voice that he heard that told him not to give up, to keep fighting.

I thought, I have that voice, it is the one I heard in Brisbane in 2005 when I reached my lowest point, when I was ready to give up on life. And I listened to it, and took one step after another, and ran a marathon. I reckon everyone has that voice, I call it the voice of my guide. Things had to get really desperate for me to listen to it, but it was powerful to make a miracle happen.


Well-known member
I went to Sydney on Monday to see my third psychologist. In the hotel I watching a move about survivors in the South tower on 9/11. They were interviewing a guy who survived in a lift that fell 78 stories to the ground after the cables were severed. He spoke of a voice that he heard that told him not to give up, to keep fighting.

I thought, I have that voice, it is the one I heard in Brisbane in 2005 when I reached my lowest point, when I was ready to give up on life. And I listened to it, and took one step after another, and ran a marathon. I reckon everyone has that voice, I call it the voice of my guide. Things had to get really desperate for me to listen to it, but it was powerful to make a miracle happen.

Are you sure it wasn't your bird? :giggle:
I went to Sydney on Monday to see my third psychologist. In the hotel I watching a move about survivors in the South tower on 9/11. They were interviewing a guy who survived in a lift that fell 78 stories to the ground after the cables were severed. He spoke of a voice that he heard that told him not to give up, to keep fighting.

I thought, I have that voice, it is the one I heard in Brisbane in 2005 when I reached my lowest point, when I was ready to give up on life. And I listened to it, and took one step after another, and ran a marathon. I reckon everyone has that voice, I call it the voice of my guide. Things had to get really desperate for me to listen to it, but it was powerful to make a miracle happen.

Awesomeness :thumbup:


Well-known member
Dear Graeme, you are one of the most wonderful people on this forum. you must just get out of your own head and see it.