Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Weekend is here. Gonna go out hiking and camp out in the middle of the bush where I can FINALLY take of this mask of sanity I have to wear.


Well-known member
Weekend is here. Gonna go out hiking and camp out in the middle of the bush where I can FINALLY take of this mask of sanity I have to wear.

sounds great. i wish i could do the same. you do have one big advantage since NZ has no snakes or homicidal maniacs. :)


Well-known member
Had today a job interview. She asked some strange questions. Like "what would your mother tell you to improve on yourself", or "if you had three wishes, what would you wish for". In the end, she said that she got a good feeling about this interview. I'll get a message next tuesday. If it's positive, I get invited to have a chat with her and the main programmer of that company. If that goes positive, I'll get invited for a practice day, where I have to solve a task over the course of the day, and present it in the end to a group of people. If that goes positive, I'll get a few trial months. If those are positive, I'll get a secure contract.

Sheesh... I don't even know whether I want that job.

After work, I spontaneously met with a friend in a café, that was nice. She told me that another friend of ours returned from Malta some days ago, and today they wanna meet and have dinner in a restaurant and go to a club afterwards. I decided to join for the dinner, but not for the club. The dinner was nice. It was very crowded and loud there, but a friend of mine, whom I didn't expect, showed up, so that was nice.


Well-known member
Had today a job interview. She asked some strange questions. Like "what would your mother tell you to improve on yourself", or "if you had three wishes, what would you wish for". In the end, she said that she got a good feeling about this interview. I'll get a message next tuesday. If it's positive, I get invited to have a chat with her and the main programmer of that company. If that goes positive, I'll get invited for a practice day, where I have to solve a task over the course of the day, and present it in the end to a group of people. If that goes positive, I'll get a few trial months. If those are positive, I'll get a secure contract.

Sheesh... I don't even know whether I want that job.

After work, I spontaneously met with a friend in a café, that was nice. She told me that another friend of ours returned from Malta some days ago, and today they wanna meet and have dinner in a restaurant and go to a club afterwards. I decided to join for the dinner, but not for the club. The dinner was nice. It was very crowded and loud there, but a friend of mine, whom I didn't expect, showed up, so that was nice.
That's a weird line of questions for a job interview. Sounds more like something they'd ask on a dating game show. Hope everything goes well for ya.


Well-known member
I hate just sitting in the middle of other people's conversations. It's awkward. One of my friends just got engaged. She was in town and had an engagement party at a lounge last night. I hardly know her other friends. I've met some of them, but I don't know any of them well. I talked to a few people a bit. But most of the night I just sat there, while the people next to me and across from me were talking to each other. I was half listening and half staring into space. Either I didn't know who or what they were talking about, or I had nothing to say and didn't want to butt in anyway. The wedding is more than a year away and I'm already not looking forward to it. I went alone to a wedding a couple of months ago. Not exactly fun. Now I'm likely to have to go on a trip alone to wedding in another city. Great.


Well-known member
I hate just sitting in the middle of other people's conversations. It's awkward. One of my friends just got engaged. She was in town and had an engagement party at a lounge last night. I hardly know her other friends. I've met some of them, but I don't know any of them well. I talked to a few people a bit. But most of the night I just sat there, while the people next to me and across from me were talking to each other. I was half listening and half staring into space. Either I didn't know who or what they were talking about, or I had nothing to say and didn't want to butt in anyway. The wedding is more than a year away and I'm already not looking forward to it. I went alone to a wedding a couple of months ago. Not exactly fun. Now I'm likely to have to go on a trip alone to wedding in another city. Great.

I hate that feeling to. It's so uncomfortable unless you can really zone out which I sometimes can do.


Well-known member
I hate just sitting in the middle of other people's conversations. It's awkward. One of my friends just got engaged. She was in town and had an engagement party at a lounge last night. I hardly know her other friends. I've met some of them, but I don't know any of them well. I talked to a few people a bit. But most of the night I just sat there, while the people next to me and across from me were talking to each other. I was half listening and half staring into space. Either I didn't know who or what they were talking about, or I had nothing to say and didn't want to butt in anyway. The wedding is more than a year away and I'm already not looking forward to it. I went alone to a wedding a couple of months ago. Not exactly fun. Now I'm likely to have to go on a trip alone to wedding in another city. Great.

Yes, it gets particularly hard. I often hear people arguing on their mobile phone in the middle of the street. Sitting on a train is hard too, it is so hard to tune out if a conversation is going on directly behind you. Sometimes I will move seats to avoid that sort of situation.

Roman Legion

Well-known member
So I decided to quit the Army reserve, I cannot deal with it anymore, I don't even care anymore and wish to retain what, if any sanity remains. They refuse to pay me, so no pay, no work. They have screwed me once too often, I finally have reached my breaking point here.


Well-known member
I hate just sitting in the middle of other people's conversations. It's awkward. One of my friends just got engaged. She was in town and had an engagement party at a lounge last night. I hardly know her other friends. I've met some of them, but I don't know any of them well. I talked to a few people a bit. But most of the night I just sat there, while the people next to me and across from me were talking to each other. I was half listening and half staring into space. Either I didn't know who or what they were talking about, or I had nothing to say and didn't want to butt in anyway. The wedding is more than a year away and I'm already not looking forward to it. I went alone to a wedding a couple of months ago. Not exactly fun. Now I'm likely to have to go on a trip alone to wedding in another city. Great.
Oh, gee, I know exactly what this is all about. I dealt with it in January when I went to an engagement party. There's nothing you can do except sit there and hope that you either get a totally important phone call that requires you to leave, have a stranger engage you in conversation, or that the ground opens up and swallows you whole. You did the best you could, Amanda. Be glad it's now over and treat yourself to something nice.


Well-known member
I hate just sitting in the middle of other people's conversations. It's awkward. One of my friends just got engaged. She was in town and had an engagement party at a lounge last night. I hardly know her other friends. I've met some of them, but I don't know any of them well. I talked to a few people a bit. But most of the night I just sat there, while the people next to me and across from me were talking to each other. I was half listening and half staring into space. Either I didn't know who or what they were talking about, or I had nothing to say and didn't want to butt in anyway. The wedding is more than a year away and I'm already not looking forward to it. I went alone to a wedding a couple of months ago. Not exactly fun. Now I'm likely to have to go on a trip alone to wedding in another city. Great.

Thanks to modern technology, it is now socially acceptable to whip out your cell phone and play a game until someone or something else interests you.


Well-known member
Whenever I start a book I don't like, I can't bring myself to stop reading it, because I keep hoping and expecting that it will eventually redeem itself. Does anyone else do this?
Only 150 more pages to go...


Well-known member
i just had the mother of all cramps in my left calf muscle. it was excruciatingly painful and it felt like my muscle was gonna explode.