At midnight tonight, I will do a christmas pixie dance around your tree for you - stay awake!
*tries to imagine phocas in a pixie outfit*
At midnight tonight, I will do a christmas pixie dance around your tree for you - stay awake!
Peter Pan-like
Something like this, it wont be pretty. probably best to get an early night
Wow, good luck finding film. Do stores stock that anymore?I just found an old Polaroid Land camera.. now I just need to find film ::
Sorry to hear that, BlueDays. :I look at my nicely decorated Christmas tree and I feel absolutely no "Christmassy" feelings whatsoever.
Christmas is null and void this year :s
I made cupcakes for my coworkers tomorrow. They look pretty but don't taste the way I wanted them to...too much peppermint extract, so I won't be offended if people don't like them.
That's incredibly nice of you.If only I work with ppl like you i'd enjoy my job so much more![]()
A couple of days ago, I got to talking to some guy on Tumblr. We were talking about being Cubs fans. He said he had it bad because he was from central IL and almost everyone is a Cardinals fan. I said I was from central IL, too. He told me where he was from and I went out on a limb and told him were I was from. He said, "haha oh. i should have guessed that. we played you guys tonight in basketball, i don’t know who won. i went outside around halftime to go get high with my friend."
...Okay, first, he's still in high school.Second, is it wrong that I found his "getting high with a friend" a complete and utter turnoff? I know in my heart that I shouldn't judge him because I don't know him from Adam, but... I don't know. I think I set pretty high standards for myself and subconsciously use them on other people. When they fall short, like doing drugs, I get angry and indignant.
While he doesn't think it was a big deal, you did. That's just two different thresholds at play. If you found it a turn-off, what can you do?Second, is it wrong that I found his "getting high with a friend" a complete and utter turnoff? I know in my heart that I shouldn't judge him because I don't know him from Adam, but... I don't know.
"stop looking at me swan!"
^ Those look great!