^ A good portrayal of how necessity is very relative. We all live in someone's paradise, most of the time we're just so used to it that we don't recognize it until it's gone.
It's one of the reasons why my stomach turns when perfectly healthy and wealthy young adults talk about how their life is bad and want to end it all.. There's more then enough good to be recognized were people to look for it.
Of course, we can't live life comparing to each other. It's lived inside-out for a reason, but that's not to say people can't, sometimes, live momentarily from the outside-in to gain a little perspective to optimize and divide fortunes as fairly as possible.
A crude example is while it's extremely ungrateful to throw away food, eating otherwise thrown away food won't actually help people in third world countries unless you make an effort to collect the non-spoiling scraps and send it there. The mother whom tells a child ''A child in Africa would kill for this meatloaf'' isn't actually any better morally then the child that refuses to eat it. It's taking advantage of other people's suffering more so.
Core perspective and relative outlook, another thing that greatly frustrates and worries me about our species. Well, in all fairness, other species too, it's just that their general footprint isn't quite as big as ours is.