Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

I just a read profile of someone on another site, it was literally a 8-10 minute read about his worship for Satan. Like, real devoted stuff.

And then as closer it states: Drug and smoke free, because that for losers.

Oh man, people. Sure worshipping a deity believed to be the face of evil and general nasty stuff is all good, but Satan forbid you'd endanger your health of all things.

I couldn't stop laughing.. You just can't make that stuff up.
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Roman Legion

Well-known member


Roman Legion

Well-known member
good to know there's another person who color coordinates things. I "sheldon cooper" like folded all my t shirts and undies - color coordinated and by size. Also, my bookshelves are by genre.

I only have a few pairs of underwear that I got from the army a few years ago and they are all the same tan colour, so thats easy to sort and I fold my shirts in a very haphazard way—Oh, I'm also wearing my 1 of my 2 pairs of socks as the other socks are really filthy. I should donate the books I'm done with to someone who could use them, with the exception of a few I really like. I also noticed that almost all my clothes are from my time with the military. I need to donate them to a thrift store and get some new clothes from there too. Random thought about clothes, but how many women wear 10.5 shoes? :thinking:

Roman Legion

Well-known member
I just posted a new video to my youtube channel, doubt it will gross above 4 views, but at least I get some stuff off my chest and its a bit peaceful really. No anxiety doing videos really.
I need a new head. This one's no good.

You mean your physical head (as in the way you look) or do you mean a new brain?
Wouldn't it be wonderful for science to replicate the human brain, and we were able to go to a store and purchase a different one (with customised features of course):thumbup:

Roman Legion

Well-known member
You mean your physical head (as in the way you look) or do you mean a new brain?
Wouldn't it be wonderful for science to replicate the human brain, and we were able to go to a store and purchase a different one (with customised features of course):thumbup:

I'd just like mine put in another body to be honest and maybe a little revamp to certain areas of my brain to optimise it; but I wouldn't want a new one, because it wouldn't be me and I would cease to be.
iPhones are a-freaking-mazing. I am so jealous of my sister. My little Android Optimus V is just no match for the speed and fluency of the latest iPhone. It truly is the definition of a handheld computer.

I want one!


Well-known member
I should probably stop looking at websites which remind me of terrible social injustices... They only upset me... Each morning when I load them up I invariably have tears in my eyes... But at the same time, I feel like I should be looking at and thinking about these things, like it's my moral duty to feel upset and anger about them because when we no longer feel that way it shows something is fundamentally wrong with us... Therefore I feel compelled to look at these things... Like I have to take note because of the suffering which so many people ignore.


Well-known member
2 things

i have become SO negative lately and it totally overwhelmed me to the point that i forgot about positive/negative thinking all together! Jeeze!

Allnighters are scary... but at the same time.. really safe and relaxing :) they put you in the moment so much. all you're looking forward to is sleep the next day..


I should probably stop looking at websites which remind me of terrible social injustices... They only upset me... Each morning when I load them up I invariably have tears in my eyes... But at the same time, I feel like I should be looking at and thinking about these things, like it's my moral duty to feel upset and anger about them because when we no longer feel that way it shows something is fundamentally wrong with us... Therefore I feel compelled to look at these things... Like I have to take note because of the suffering which so many people ignore.

Yes I feel the same way. People think that I focus on the bad things so much when there is so much beauty and positivity in the world - but I think, focusing on the bad things motivates and keeps me aware that there is so much to do - so much to try and change and to make things better. A driving force that combats indifference and complacency. Why think of all the bad things when life is so good? Because when we think of the bad things - things get better.


Well-known member
Yes I feel the same way. People think that I focus on the bad things so much when there is so much beauty and positivity in the world - but I think, focusing on the bad things motivates and keeps me aware that there is so much to do - so much to try and change and to make things better. A driving force that combats indifference and complacency. Why think of all the bad things when life is so good? Because when we think of the bad things - things get better.

To be fair, I think some balance is required, if focusing solely on the negative makes you too unhappy then, for the sake of our own sanity, I feel it is best to acknowledge the good things too... But I'm glad you understand and feel similarly. :)


Well-known member
Yes I feel the same way. People think that I focus on the bad things so much when there is so much beauty and positivity in the world - but I think, focusing on the bad things motivates and keeps me aware that there is so much to do - so much to try and change and to make things better. A driving force that combats indifference and complacency. Why think of all the bad things when life is so good? Because when we think of the bad things - things get better.

It is helpful to me to try and be objectively aware of things. Both what is
externally, and what is internally. Feelings do not have to be so intimately married to the experiences they're generated from. Feelings are from within. Happenings are from without.

2 things

i have become SO negative lately and it totally overwhelmed me to the point that i forgot about positive/negative thinking all together! Jeeze!

Allnighters are scary... but at the same time.. really safe and relaxing :) they put you in the moment so much. all you're looking forward to is sleep the next day..

I try to stay away from all-nighters because I work early in the mornings. But spending time going to bed in the early evening when its stressful for me at that time, and waking up in the early morning, was incredibly helpful. I'm able to spend more focus on doing things I really want to do, ie reading, practicing guitar without the aimless feeling of needing to desperately unwind. I found myself going to work earlier, more relaxed, and able to cultivate a more meditative mind throughout. I think these moods, relaxation, and cognition are so heavily interwoven that the time spent in these states has been a great cognitive benefit.


not actually Fiona Apple
I'm having trouble sleeping again, for a good span of time I was going to bed and falling asleep within the half hour but it's gotten back to being in bed for hours every night without being able to fall asleep. My brain won't turn off anymore, it's keeping me up all night every night.