It is helpful to me to try and be objectively aware of things. Both what is
externally, and what is internally. Feelings do not have to be so intimately married to the experiences they're generated from. Feelings are from within. Happenings are from without.
I try to stay away from all-nighters because I work early in the mornings. But spending time going to bed in the early evening when its stressful for me at that time, and waking up in the early morning, was incredibly helpful. I'm able to spend more focus on doing things I really want to do, ie reading, practicing guitar without the aimless feeling of needing to desperately unwind. I found myself going to work earlier, more relaxed, and able to cultivate a more meditative mind throughout. I think these moods, relaxation, and cognition are so heavily interwoven that the time spent in these states has been a great cognitive benefit.