:kickingmyself: Am sick of being telt what tae do, all the time.
I mean, what kinda life are you livin' when your actions are dictated by the judgements of others? Eh?! Not everyone is gonnae like ya! And see if we just got over it, dealt with, and accept that wee fact, maybe... just maybe, Social Anxiety Disorder wouldn't be as severe a problem as it is. Just a wee thought for the day, there - as it were. :thinking:
Oh, and why is it that because yer the f*#kin' youngest family sibling, that means yer still treated like a child? Huh?! No, not a fully grown, sensible 20-something adult. A f*#kin' child! No wonder I feel outta place at family gatherings! Just because yer parents are the "moral authority", that doesn't mean they always right. I know... shockin' innit?! When you realise that...
And one last thing, then I'll bugger off for a wee while: Since when did havin' the odd drink of alcohol led tae full blown alcoholism? I know, in Scotland it's kinda hard tae see where that line is drawn. But tae me, right, that's like sayin' smoking weed is the ironic gateway tae shovin' drugs up yer own arse! But then, of course, one drug is legal and other is not. Both do considerable harm to ya, but still... let's leave the double standards of War on Drugs government policy aside, shall we? :ironicsmile:
Anyway, all I'm sayin' is, excess in moderation. I mean, if yer sensible enough, the you know the risks and consequences. "If" and "sensible" being the keywords there. But if yer stupid enough (ie more teeth than brain cells or common sense), then maybe you deserve alcohol poisoning?! Sorry, to seem cold or cruel, but excess in moderation does have it's limits.
Just another of my nonsensical rants. Take nae notice, I tend tae talk a load o' s*#te half the time! :sarcastic: