Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I feel that birthdays would be more special if they were celebrated every five years or so. And instead of counting life's age in years, it should be, I think, measured in months. A year is a long time span and makes it a very ambiguous standard for a applied numeric measurement.
My god, Facebook would go mental with all the birthday notifications. :D


Well-known member
Oh gosh no, that would be the end of the world as we know it. Nobody would ever do anything again. Everyday a birthday party. Oh the humanity. D:
that and I don;t think I would be able to look at another birthday cake either lol. but the bakers would take over the world.


Well-known member
my nose is burning and my apartment smells like cigarette smoke becasue the people above me are smoking. Usualy only the bathroom smell of it becasue I guess they go in there to smoke but right now the whole apartmet smells of it.


Well-known member
School, the whole grand parent thing, my therapist, psychiatrist, myself, people. Breaking down again. I feel better, I called a hotline and talked to someone.
Oh, I'm sorry. ::(: That's a lot of troubles for just one girl. I'm glad you feel better. You can chat to me if you need to, as well.


Well-known member
Oh, I'm sorry. ::(: That's a lot of troubles for just one girl. I'm glad you feel better. You can chat to me if you need to, as well.

You're such a good friend, you can talk to me anytime too.

my nose is burning and my apartment smells like cigarette smoke becasue the people above me are smoking. Usualy only the bathroom smell of it becasue I guess they go in there to smoke but right now the whole apartmet smells of it.

::(: Well, that's awful. I have the same reaction to cigarettes, they smell like poisonous fumes.

Roman Legion

Well-known member
Just thinking about trying to write a song about a random thought that popped in my head, a song about how nobody you love will ever love you back. That and I have a massive migraine, I'm freezing in my home and listening to Siouxsie and the Banshees.

Siouxsie and the Banshees - Nicotine Stain - YouTube

Just checked the weather, it's 2 degrees (Celcius) outside, feels like -3 and it's snowing. Going to put another blanket on in lieu of the absence of a heat source.
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Well-known member
Congratulations SF Giants!!!


MVP Panda!!!


Can't wait until next spring!!! :)


Well-known member
Friends of mine asked me whether I'd like to join their pen&paper roleplaying game group. Now, I played a lot of those when I was younger, but it's been quite some time. And I don't know their system well. Their game group consists of four people. Two are very close friends of mine, one I know a bit but is also a nice person, and there is one I don't know at all.

I borrowed a book of one to learn about their system, but I'm a bit nervous, because of the person I don't know. Maybe I'll then be too nervous with that person around, and not communicative enough. But the whole point of p&p rpg's is communication. And I don't want to disappoint my friends. :|

Also, some of my friends and I love board games. We played a lot recently, since we've been on the board game fair, but now that will become more rarely. Which is a pity. I considered creating a facebook group, and invite those of my friends who are into board games, and then get something more regularly going. But I'm worried that this won't work out and I'll look like an idiot.