Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
as if my anxiety these days werent enough, today i got a bad haircut, lost my lovely long hair(no homo / no hetero), which basically changed my whole appearance. I feel so depressed even more. nothing goes right always making wrong choices and i cant stop doing it.


Well-known member
Today I am in a world of ****. I have always been there but I lie to my self that I am fine, the sad truth however is I am not and I probably will never be. I sit here and reflect on my sad life trying to convince my self everything is fine and dandy when nothing is.


Well-known member
Good question! Here's what WikiAnswers says:

All but one team (Toronto) in the MLB is based the US. So why do we call the championship event the World Series?

Some have speculated the name derived from the New York newspaper, The World, which reported the game results. But this myth was debunked by the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1999. Barney Dreyfuss, owner of the Pittsburgh Pirates, deserves credit for coining the term. In 1903, he challenged the Red Sox (then known as the Boston Americans) to a "World's Championship Series." It has been held every year since except twice (in 1904 and 1994).

Although the league is US-based, players are scouted from around the world. Countries such as Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Japan, Taiwan, and Cuba are all represented in the MLB. In fact, in the 2006 season, players born outside the US represented 27.4 percent of the MLB.

Considering that the MLB is the world's premier league for baseball and many players are recruited from outside the US, calling the championship series the World Series is not too far-fetched.

They do that with all American professional sports. The NBA champions are the "world basketball champs." Same with football (American football) and hockey. It's always a point that has annoyed me. I know that the NBA, MLB, and whatnot are some of the biggest and most premiere leagues in the world, but I don't like it. There's nothing wrong with being called the "national champions."

I suppose the "World" does give it a more illustrious ring, but it can be a bit misleading. but thanks for the answer 1blacksheep, i guess it makes more sense to me now. But it's good to see you gals like sports. i suppose if there were more gals like you out there, it would be easier for us shy guys to find something to talk about. :thumbup:

So, I have to present a paper tomorrow. I’ve been rehearsing what I have to say, alone in my room, but I keep blanking out. When I’m running the speech in my head and trying to say it out loud I just picture myself in class with 384023894 people in front of me and my mind totally freezes. I’m starting to panic…if I can’t even do it here alone I’ll spaz out in front of everyone.

I wouldn’t care this much if it was an individual work, the problem is if don’t do well my colleagues’ grade will suffer too. I don’t want to be detrimental to the group.

Hey man, i've been there before. i hated giving speeches. i wish knew what to say to make it go well, but i suppose all i can give you is well wishes. i really hope it goes well. best of luck. :)
Finally, on the eve of Halloween, I have figured out what I'm going to wear for the event. I'm going to dress as a little kid, for several reasons. I have a very young-looking face, so I can really pull it off. I'm pretty short. I have small hands :p and I want to get candy :D So, going to wear some of my little sister's clothes and use her backpack and do my hair in pigtails :D


Well-known member
Trick or treating has been postponed here. I'm wearing some cat ears, and have been all day, regardless. Originally I was going to make some wire elf ears, but I got the cat ears on sale. And I'm lazy.

I'm getting kind of annoyed with this username.


Well-known member
Thanks, everything went better than expected. I didn't sleep properly and I didn't eat anything in the morning. I spent 2 hours at the park walking back and forth rehearsing everything in my head, I just couldn’t stand still. Somehow I was able to pull it off though. I felt a huge relief afterwards, phew, and then I realized how tired I actually was, the whole process felt really draining.

But you did it! And you said it even went better than expected, be proud of yourself! Many people (myself included) would go to great lengths to avoid giving public speeches, so I admire you for having the guts to do something that scares you that much.
Just got back from trick-or-treating with the little ones. It was relatively fun. Beautiful night out, the moon looked amazing. And everyone's doggies were so cute ^__^


Currently at work .. bored out of my skull .. being lulled to sleep by the hum of a portable electric generator. ::p:

Okay, that wasn't really a thought or feeling, was it .. Hehehe

Random Thought: I wonder if there's any sour cream and lettuce in the kitchen .. :)))

Random Feeling: Feeling .. a tinge of loneliness at the moment. This shift can be quiet boring .. there's no one around and it tends to highlight .. nevermind ..


Well-known member
I'm messaging a girl on a dating site back and forth for a few days now, but her messages have gotten shorter, and now they don't end in questions. Am I correct to assume she has lost interest and I should just leave it alone? Given my extreme lack of experience with such things, there's always that "what if I'm reading this situation wrong" in the back of my mind.