Sorry to hear about the beard Graeme1988.
I'm so annoyed, me!!
I can take personal criticism, and I'm not particularly sensitive, considering, but there are these two people at the training centre, and they are indirectly making fun of the way I look, every Thursday when I'm unfortunate to be there at the same time as them. In school, people used to say that I looked like a
certain musician, I'm not gonna say which one, but hey, at least they actually
said it in school!! These two are so indirect about it, it's actually worse. I was leaving the centre just now, and the one of them sang this verse from a song,
by this musician!! I hate bullies, but I hate cowardly bullies even more. The kind of bullies that stood behind their friends in school, and wouldn't call you names or throw things if they weren't protected. I'm 19 now, I left school 3 years ago. This shouldn't be happening any more!!
There are two types of people at this training centre - there's people who need to learn their Maths and English, like them, and people who need to get some confidence and work-experience, like me. I'm not stopping them learning their fractions and pie charts. If it wasn't for people like that, I'd be gaining
so much from the training centre. I get on so well there the rest of the time. I don't want to tell on them;
no bullying is a
strict golden rule there. I bet they would get kicked out. I do sort of smile at that thought, lol, but to be fair, they need to learn their key skills. I wouldn't see somebody go without that second chance. Funny thing is, one of them actually went to my mums charity fund-raising bingo/raffle night last time, and my mum is doing another one tonight. I wonder if she will be going this time.
What I'd give to see her get thrown out... haha.
I really don't know what to do about these two. I really don't want to let someone else deal with it and get them in trouble. I know exactly what I'd say to them if I was gonna handle it myself. I would tell them that I am there to gain confidence, and they are getting in the way of that. Like I said,
I'm not getting in the way of
their learning. In fact, they're the ones always walking out of their lessons. The fact stands though that I have social anxiety; it's not what it used to be, but still I would not be able to do that even if I wanted to.
Oooh well... I shared it on a public forum and now I feel better about it! :

But still I hate bullies!!