The words of I love you spread out in meaning. For one I want to turn and walk away knowing that what you say is not true, I've heard and thought I've felt that before, I'm sorry i just can't believe you. In conversations prior, this is a time in your life where you want something better and you think I am the better choice. However we've only hung out once or twice. I can't turn completely though because I've been there and I know what that feels like. You do feel, as though a person that you've longing over for awhile, that there is a reason why. (that's where you get the destiny part) You see prosperity in the future relationship you bettering yourself with a stronger person than you've dated before. Being through that same very feeling and what I knew about him he was a complete gift, beautiful Filipino man. Strong, dignified in ways, and funny hilarious in others. What i've learned is I'm chasing something that I'll never have. I wont string you along like i felt was being done with me it's cruel to the heart. I'm sorry but I'm going to have to let you down.
Destiny doesn't exist. Soul Mates don't exist. Just a male and female trying to coexist and not kill each other.