Someone had stolen my phone and my camera. My camera also had a 32GB memory card, in total is $620 give or take.
The last place I've seen it was at Superstore, but I called Superstore, and they didn't have it.
The last time I remeber having my camera and my phone was SUnday afternoon, when I went out. The last place I went to was Superstore. When I go out, I always have my phone ans camera with me. I have my camera in one pocket, and my phone in the other. I was thinking, that I for some reason, took both out while I was reaching for my thing with my cards in it.
I've searched the entire house, and my car and my Mum's car. Not there. The last time I went out, I took my Mum's car. Sometimes I forget my phone and camera in the car, when I go into the house. In the house, it's either on the stairs, or on my table.
My theory is, since I left my Mum's car unlocked, someone had broken in and taken the phone and my camera. There has been a lot of things stolen from cars nearby. It usually people who leave their cars unlocked. Last summer, someone had stolen stuff from like 9 cars (I think) in my subdivision.
At least I got my pictures uploaded and backed up. They have a brand new SAMSUNG ACE Q phone, an Olynpus Tough brand cam, and a 32GB memory card with random pictures of stuff I took while driving (like scenary, dumb drivers etc), my nanopet, and pictures of my car. I will need to buy a new phone this week (again) and another camera. I had the camera for almost a year. I don't think there is anything to identify me, in case the thief wants to see if I have more interesting stuff, like my laptop, my nanopet (which dosen't work right now), my Hunger Games merchandise etc. No doubt the thief is probably reading this now.