The Earth rotates on its axis. The seasons in the northern hemisphere are the opposite to those in the southern hemisphere. We're in autumn now, while you're in spring.down south you call them opposite up north? like so its also cold in your winter but your winter is during our summer?
So today is the day of my grandmother's operation. She will have her leg amputated and will then recover in hospital for a while before being put in a nursing home. Kind of sad because she's still talking about going home, and nobody has the heart to tell her she's not going back there.
This amputation will keep her alive, but it might make her even more unhappy.
Thank you.I'm really sorry you guys and her have to go through this, Mikey. I really hope everything turns out for the best for all involved. Sending good vibes to ya, Mikey. <3
I don't think you're a joke.I'm feeling such a strong need for a life of my own but I don't know how to go about getting one...I want to respect myself and such but it's so difficult to do that when I don't have a single thing to call my own. Also, because I don't do anything of important's or things adults my age should be doing...I see myself as a joke...I don't know how anyone could see me as anything else.
People on this forum, who have not met you in person, can see the good in you. If we were lucky enough to spend any time with you, we would see even more of that.Aww, thanks. I just feel really bad about myself and it does help me feel a little for, for even a short while, when someone claims there's something good about me. I hope what you say is true and doesn't take too long to happen...I don't want to wait any longer, dang it!! lol.
You're welcome.Thanks, Mikey. ^.^ I always appreciate and value your kind words.
Was browsing on Amazon earlier to see if any new books on SA have been put out, and I noticed that some of the books were actual children's books.
The Earth rotates on its axis. The seasons in the northern hemisphere are the opposite to those in the southern hemisphere. We're in autumn now, while you're in spring.
It's all good. Thank you. It's going to take some getting used to when visiting her.Mikey, gosh I'm sorry to hear about your Grandma, that sounds like a rather traumatic experience to witness, for both you and her, you being more sensitive (in a good way).
Seeker of Hearts - The Tin Man
When Dorothy meets the Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz, he is very stiff. The tinsmith, his creator, has forgotten to give him a heart. He desperately needs to be oiled, signifying the blocked emotions causing his rigidity and pain. During the course of the story, the Tin Man cries. His tears, which had made him rust before, are like the flow of oil-the elixir of love and sorrow that heals the wounds of the past. In the Seeker of Hearts, the Tin Man wears a suit of armour, shielding and protecting him from the strange world of feelings. His horse suggests the freedom of the soul, carrying the Tin Man on his important life quest. The dove, a divine Messenger of peace and tranquility, carries the heart that will make the Tin Man a true member of evolving humanity. When the Tin Man appears in your reading, be more open hearted. Rejoice in your opportunity to experience an initiation into the realm of feelings, devotion, and compassion. Remember to express your emotions. To cry is to reveal the pain that lives within the core of every human soul. Be a seeker of hearts and find ways to uplift friends and relatives in trouble. As a warrior of universal love, you have a special gift of the spirit to offer every person you meet on the path of life.
I'm really sorry you guys and her have to go through this, Mikey. I really hope everything turns out for the best for all involved. Sending good vibes to ya, Mikey. <3
How I'm feeling...
I'm feeling such a strong need for a life of my own but I don't know how to go about getting one...I want to respect myself and such but it's so difficult to do that when I don't have a single thing to call my own. Also, because I don't do anything of important's or things adults my age should be doing...I see myself as a joke...I don't know how anyone could see me as anything else.
A confession.
At an event last year someone ( a woman) came up and said in my ear "you've aged well." I was too scared to even look to see who said it. I'm not sure if it was meant as a compliment or not. Perhaps the message was, you're freaking old, shame you aren't younger.
I may have been guilty of checking an athlete or two out.