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I just saw two mourning doves hanging out on my window air conditioner. I tried to take a photo, but they flew away the minute I opened the blinds.
^ Wait, so did you present at all today? Hopefully you did well. You can get through this class, just keep going and doing all that you can.Well, the first day of presentations is over and, thankfully, my group didn't have to present first! Unfortunately though, the discussion's going to get ugly if the first group is anything to go by. Sometimes, I wish people wouldn't question so much and just accept things for what they are and move on. And I almost had a nervous breakdown before class got started. Social Work will either break me down or turn me in a 180.
The KFC double down is back... AGAIN?! arteries are clogging just watching these commercials. -___-'
The KFC double down is back... AGAIN?! arteries are clogging just watching these commercials. -___-'
Things are too weird here without my dog. I keep expecting to see him when I come around the corner. It's like I have to keep reminding myself, "Oh yeah, he isn't here right now, I don't have to worry." Not having to stress about taking care of him or worry about him definitely has it's perks; but not having him here is so, so weird. I definitely think having him here is worth any kind of stress/sacrifices I have to make to take care of him. But it will be another month before I can go see him again.
Another random thought I had tonight. I realized that I have officially given up on life right now. I am going through a lot, I have been eating soo sooo much lately (I gave gained 4 and 1/2 pounds in the last couple weeks). I want to stop, I don't want to gain back the weight that I lost. But when I look into the future, I see nothing. There is no point, it is just... nothing. So I continue to eat and self destructive because the way I see it is, it doesn't matter. I have nothing to live for. I am merely just getting by for the sake of my mom, she needs me here.