this is my first post, wow i feel like venting haha but il bite my tongue a little, though its already sore from being clamped day in and day out. So ya, every compulsive txt msg I transmit to any which person I take the time to consider goes in vane, and I feel like a total idiot because it either goes without reply, or replied to the next day (if that). Haha thanks guys. When I text total strangers on craigslist, I get replies within minutes. So this evidence that my useless circle of friends only acknowledges my exsistence when it serves to their benefit. Otherwise I don't exsist because they have their own problems and head up their own asses. I'm out of sight and mind.
Haha this is a warm inviting feeling I know all too well (and by warm, I mean similar to the warmth of blood rushing to color the complexion of your freshly slapped face by a cold hard hand lol). You'd think I wouldn't give it much thought, seeing as how I've led this lifestyle for my entirety. Well I'll take the uninvited liberty of lamenting eitherway, because I don't get used to anything.
So to all the people in my personal world, I'll remember all this the next time you grace my cellular prescence with your useless waste of digital information. Don't think I expect reciprocity from my compulsive digital transmissions, I already know you wont exhibit any. Yes this is a bitter and pathetic sentiment, of course its neither positive nor productive, and yes it does hint towards an ever eroding chip on my shoulder, much like the pattern of the grand canyon.
Thanks for the time, flame away