Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
- Why don't I see myself the way other people see me? Sorry if that sounds like a bit of a dumb question, but really. When I get compliments, I often wonder, "What are you seeing?" I'm not talking about compliments on physical appearance (as I rarely get those anyway), but rather my brains. Today my mom and I were talking about college and how my brother was thinking about going. It then quickly jumped to the "You're too smart to drop out of college" speech. Again. (I don't know why she gives me this speech. She should know I would never drop out.) That's one thing I've been complimented the most on my whole life is how "smart" I am. I'm not trying to say that's a bad thing, I am generally smart and I believe it so (even if I do have my dumb moments :rolleyes:). It's when people add emphasis, going as far as calling me a "genius" is what I get confused, and maybe a little sad, about. I don't believe I'm that smart at all. No way am I a "genius" or anything. When people say that, I feel like they expect so much more from me, which adds pressure to the whole fear of failing. I'm not trying to come off like I'm complaining here (and I apologize if I sound like I'm whining again), just something that's been on my mind for most of the day.
This happens to me too. I don't know why people tell me I'm intelligent when they don't know me that well. I consider myself to be pretty stupid (lack of memory, absent minded, no social intelligence, etc), and it's not to be humble. Today my mother said that I'm a geniu sand I told her "why do you say this, tell me an example". My father say it's for the grades. I still don't understand it, grades mean nothing. I think they just want to say I'm a genius so they can explain why I'm so weird, forgetful or messy (sometimes) by saying such things, they haven't accepted yet the fact that I'm a freak. They say I'm just ill and that therapy will cure me. So I can be normal for once, I guess. I think I'm going to be a stupid freak all my life, not a super intelligent genius who's just a bit eccentric. I hope someone would accept that for once...


not actually Fiona Apple
It reminds me of the saying "The person you are at 20 is the person you'll always be"

Now I know nothing about psychology, so maybe I'm way wrong about this. But just because the brain is done developing doesn't mean how you act on a day to day basis is all it's capable of. Correcting the miswire may (or may not) be fixable, but pushing the boundaries certainly is possible.

No you're right, we continue learning until the day we die, even though the brain stops developing doesn't mean it can't learn new things, it's just there are some things that can't be altered. If you have a lazy eye at 20, you can't correct the miswiring in your brain, you'll have a lazy eye for life.

And I can push those boundaries, and I definitely should, and hopefully will. I've just been thinking about life and myself lately, taking a hard look at myself and there are feelings I'd love to be able to change. I know I can change my thoughts, I just hope the opportunity to alter my feelings too hasn't passed as well. Either way I'll make it work, life keeps going on.


Well-known member
No you're right, we continue learning until the day we die, even though the brain stops developing doesn't mean it can't learn new things, it's just there are some things that can't be altered. If you have a lazy eye at 20, you can't correct the miswiring in your brain, you'll have a lazy eye for life.

So what? So you have a lazy eye. It doesn't mean you'll be at any disadvantage to those without a lazy eye. The only disadvantage is that which we impose on ourselves.

Sure, you may never be able to hit a target at 500 yards, but how many people can do that anyway?


Well-known member
Do people still argue about dogs or cats? None of them are the best, mice are awesomer!

Mouse beats dog!! :D


Well-known member
Why is it whenever I have nothing to do, I want to be busy, yet when I finally have a whole bunch of stuff to do, I don't want to do anything at all? I can never win. :rolleyes:


not actually Fiona Apple
So what? So you have a lazy eye. It doesn't mean you'll be at any disadvantage to those without a lazy eye. The only disadvantage is that which we impose on ourselves.

Sure, you may never be able to hit a target at 500 yards, but how many people can do that anyway?

I know you're right. I just used lazy eye as an example, but I think it can be agreed not having one is desired (to most) over having one. It doesn't have to be an issue at all if you don't let it, unless what you want is to hit that target from 500 yards out.

I don't even know if I want to hit that target though, and if I do I would have anything preventing me from doing so. Just the idea that I might made me think.


Well-known member
So today I was out with some of my old friends when a certain friend of my friend showed up to chat with us. Well, I could sense this guy totally flirting with me but since I never know what to say or how to act, I made a fool myself by just standing there without uttering a word or saying a few very stupid ones lol. Then I overheard him telling my friend how rude I am. Oh well.....
I'm getting sick from certain thoughts. I have to think about all the mistakes i made today, why i made them and how to prevent them next time. I do it daily but today it was more then ever::eek::


Well-known member
I am heading out to the mountains for the weekend for a snowy weekend camp in the woods. Can't wait!!!!!
Have fun and remember to take some photos.

So today I was out with some of my old friends when a certain friend of my friend showed up to chat with us. Well, I could sense this guy totally flirting with me but since I never know what to say or how to act, I made a fool myself by just standing there without uttering a word or saying a few very stupid ones lol. Then I overheard him telling my friend how rude I am. Oh well.....
Aw, don't sweat it. Flirting is hard and you've got to be in the zone for that. Hopefully it goes better next time. :)


Well-known member
the improbability of perpetuity

"Did you ever hear of this fellow Evel Knievel? This motorcycle jumper? What I used to do, I’d throw away the pipe and shake my fist at the sky and say As God is my ****ing witness NEVER AGAIN, as of this minute right here I QUIT FOR ALL TIME. And I’d bunker up all white-knuckled and stay straight. And count the days. I was proud of each day I stayed off. Each day seemed evidence of something, and I counted them. I’d add them up. Line them up end to end. You know? And soon it would get…improbable. As if each day was a car Knieval had to clear. One car, two cars. By the time I’d get up to say like maybe about 14 cars, it would begin to seem like this staggering number. Jumping over 14 cars. And the rest of the year, looking ahead, hundreds and hundreds of cars, me in the air trying to clear them. Who could do it? How did I ever think anyone could do it that way?"

David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest


I am going to the one love reggae festival in Febuary - It will be good it brings a little joy my way as I have been to them before... I just wish I had some friends so I could have some company.


Well-known member
I am going to the one love reggae festival in Febuary - It will be good it brings a little joy my way as I have been to them before... I just wish I had some friends so I could have some company.

That sounds like fun, Shykiwi. I would accompany you if I were there.:)
Try and have fun any way. Maybe you'll make some friends.:)

On topic.

Thinking about how much my back hurts from being in this position. My niece is asleep on my leg...There's no way out!:confused:lol


Well-known member
Stay strong. Focus on the good things you have, remember and cherish what you had. Bad things always happen, you have to accept it and let it be part of your life, because if you focus on the good ones, then you will be happy.

I will no way forget all the wonderful things I had just because I'm not so lucky right now.

Put a smile in your face and try your best :)

PS: general statement, not directed to anyone... but you all should try your best anyway =D