Well-known member
laying down thinking what i could have said....should of at least said...missing 'em...wishing i would have at least said something...
Okay SPW dudes and dudettes, coming soon will be a limited-edition picture of me, looking all fancy and stuff! I don't know when, but as soon as I find out how to upload pictures from my camera to my computer::, I'll do it. Now, how many of you want to see my Homecoming picture
Fake mustache party?
Anyone in?
Fake mustache party?
Anyone in?
I am an absolutely terrible friend.
I care, I really do, I want other people to be happy, to make them happy, but I'm just ****ing terrible at the whole 'friendship' thing.
Sometimes I wish I were a spirit, like a guardian angel, so I could guide and protect and be with people without all the extraneous obligations that come with human interaction.
...I always wondered why people stay with an abusive spouse or partner. I guess even if that person is 95% of the time a horrible person, waiting to get that 5% of companionship is worth more than being a nobody with no human contact.
very often it has alot to do with financial dependence as well
For some it is. Im starting to think its much better to be alone then to be stuck with someone thats abusive. This girl in my class asked to see my homework because she "didnt have time" to finish it all, and I decided to be nice and let her see mine. She copied the answers and just threw my HW back at me and my crap fell to the floor. Not only that but she didnt even say thanks or sorry for such a rude gesture. I was instantly pissed and she made my **** list. As desperate as I am to find a GF I'd be damned before I took her out on a date...
UGHHH this made me soooo mad. I hate people with such a sense of self importance. what in the world made her think she could do that to you and get away with it so easily. You probably won't be sitting next to her anytime soon and know how to avoid this, but i just wanted to tell you i share your feelings of being mad,sadly because its kinda happened to me before. I hope you at least told her off telepathically/mentally/over the normal waves. =p
I think truly happy people learn to live in the present, not regretting the past or worrying about the future. None of us are guaranteed we'll live long lives anyways. A tornado came through here this week and killed two people. One was an old lady, the other a 3 year old girl. One got to live a long life, while the other never got hers started. So you never know what your lot is in this world.