Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I wonder if anyone sits around and worries about being too talkative, or too loud, or too outgoing. Does anyone sit around and fear that they seem too confident?
Probably not.
This makes me wonder, then, if all this social anxiety is simply a lack of self-esteem? That all we need is a good hearty dose of self-love, and our worries would melt away? Can it be that easy, yet unattainable?

I would say that I have high self-esteem (and SA as well, obviously), though I certainly feel my self-esteem lowering as I realize SA almost rules my life.

Higher self-esteem probably helps, but what probably really helps is gaining some confidence in social situations. I don't know how you would go about gaining some confidence there; that would be the hard part. As a person interested in neuroscience, I really wonder what biologically makes a person talkative and/or outgoing. I wonder if a drug will be discovered that makes a person more talkative/outgoing (and not just disinhibited a la alcohol).

In sum, no, it cannot be that easy. A life of challenges seems to be the destiny of anyone with SA. 'Way she goes.


Well-known member
Okay so I've this cousin, she's very sweet and lovely. She's been taking care of her family for a loong time since her dad left. She works 14 hours a day, meets everbody's need, does her best to put smile on everyone's face but I've hardly seen her doing anything for herself. She's coming to my house next Friday, I'm really excited about spending time with her and I want her to have a good time but I don't know what to do, she has this fear that if someone wants to make her feel good, they're feeling sorry for her (one thing she truly doesn't like) So I'm a bit confused atm. Help?


Well-known member
It's that time of the year when most animals are abandonned > in Ontario it is, anyway.

If you have interest in taking care of an animal and have the money and love to give to a pet, I urge you to check out local listings on kijiji - check under 'pets > to give or donate'

I'm looking now and I wish I had the money to take some in for the winter at the very least... so many homeless animals T__T


Well-known member
I was about to post the same thing earlier. I remember when facebook was about staying in touch with people and sharing ideas, and now its over run by attention whores and pitty parties, and show offs.

Finding sh*t on there you don't like is also a b*tch as well. Then you're reminded of that sh*t whenever you log on to the site, even when you're not viewing it. I'm not spending as much time on there, for the sake of my temper.

Plus, sometimes it depresses me, seeing all these socialites I know posting pictures of them hanging out with all their buddies and going to various gatherings. :/ Must be nice.


Active member
I have random thoughts all day but when I try to write them on here they just fly away.
Drugs tell you you can fly then steal your wings!
I have two cats that were strays, One was about a year old when I took her in the other was only about four weeks when she found me. They've both been fixed and make me crazy :)


Well-known member
Okay so I've this cousin, she's very sweet and lovely. She's been taking care of her family for a loong time since her dad left. She works 14 hours a day, meets everbody's need, does her best to put smile on everyone's face but I've hardly seen her doing anything for herself. She's coming to my house next Friday, I'm really excited about spending time with her and I want her to have a good time but I don't know what to do, she has this fear that if someone wants to make her feel good, they're feeling sorry for her (one thing she truly doesn't like) So I'm a bit confused atm. Help?
Wow, you should definitely do something for her, even if it's against her wishes. Don't make it too obvious, though. Maybe just cook her dinner or do something small for her. Something she'll appreciate and it'll show you appreciate everything she does for you and others. She may like the gesture and it won't seem like you're doing anything for her except being a good host. :)

She sounds lovely, your cousin.

I was about to post the same thing earlier. I remember when facebook was about staying in touch with people and sharing ideas, and now its over run by attention whores and pitty parties, and show offs.
Don't forget the useless updates ("I'm going to the shops to buy a pair of shoes for my two-year-old neice. She's a cutie!") and the atrocious, abysmal spelling ("im gng 2 da shops 2 by a pear of shooz 4 my 2yr old nees shes a qt!!!").

Once the big migration to Google+ occurs, I won't be following them.


Facebook annoys the hell out of me.

That is all.

Oh come on...facebook is a necessary part of society. I mean without facebook how would we remember birthdays, or when one of our friends suddenly becomes single..? these are important issues that we all must know about as it happens... if we didnt have facebook, then no one would actually bother communicating with one another.

Its like food and shelter... its essential for our survival as a species.
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I am worried about how I come across to others. I fear rejection so I dont engage with other people. I am too shy to be friendly, even though I am.. I feel like I have just made a fool of myself to someone... so I am going to proceed to obsess until I have squeezed as much despair and self loathing out of it as I possibly can. Goodnight.


Well-known member
Feeling lost right now. I'm still thinking about going to Oxford University for Fall of 2012 but I have a bad feeling about being in a foreing country with people I dont know. I get the feeling that I'll get there and everyone will jump into their little cliques and leave me alone the entire time. When I was in a meeting for it last night, I got to see everyone I'd be traveling with. And of course as they all came in, they sat at every possible table in the room until it was filled and some poor bastard had no choice but to sit at mine. People just gravitated toward those they knew, and no one knows me, so I ended up getting avoided like usual. I really really want to go, but I'm afraid this trip will turn into my own personal nightmare. I dont want to be alone in a strange place for like 4 months. When I told the trip coordinator about my problems and concerns he said this.
"We all have these feelings at times, and no one can assure you that you will have friends if you go. If this is a major issue then maybe you are right to not feel comfortable. Yet sometimes in life we just have to take a chance. Do you have friend(s) now at HPU that might consider going also; that way you begin with someone you know, and the other friends can develop as you meet and interact with them. But this is your decision- no one can make it for you."

I just wish I had some idea as to what to do if the other students give me trouble if I try to socialize with them like some did my freshman year.
I want to go to another country as well, but I have the extra problem of language XD

If you really want to go, I think you should do it :)
Plus, maybe you will find some SPWers in the zone :D


Well-known member
Feeling lost right now. I'm still thinking about going to Oxford University for Fall of 2012 but I have a bad feeling about being in a foreing country with people I dont know. I get the feeling that I'll get there and everyone will jump into their little cliques and leave me alone the entire time. When I was in a meeting for it last night, I got to see everyone I'd be traveling with. And of course as they all came in, they sat at every possible table in the room until it was filled and some poor bastard had no choice but to sit at mine. People just gravitated toward those they knew, and no one knows me, so I ended up getting avoided like usual. I really really want to go, but I'm afraid this trip will turn into my own personal nightmare. I dont want to be alone in a strange place for like 4 months. When I told the trip coordinator about my problems and concerns he said this.
"We all have these feelings at times, and no one can assure you that you will have friends if you go. If this is a major issue then maybe you are right to not feel comfortable. Yet sometimes in life we just have to take a chance. Do you have friend(s) now at HPU that might consider going also; that way you begin with someone you know, and the other friends can develop as you meet and interact with them. But this is your decision- no one can make it for you."

I just wish I had some idea as to what to do if the other students give me trouble if I try to socialize with them like some did my freshman year.

Wow, thats a really great opportunity, I think it will be good for your future, and once you do finish your study, you have to eventually face people in the real world. I think this will be a learning experience. But the choice is yours, or couse. Whatever makes you feel better! :)


Well-known member
Pressure! Pressure! Pressure! Just for talking.

Me: Well, I'm not a very chatty person when it comes to the phone. I like coming home having time to myself and relaxing. I talk to my close friends maybe once a week. I don't feel the need to be in their business 24/7...that's just how I am I like to have time with myself.

Him: Yeah but i'm just trying to GET TO KNOW YOU. When I call you don't always answer. When I text you. I don't always get a reply I'm thinking your not interested in me.

Me thinking .... did you not just hear me.

Pressure! Pressure! Pressure!

Him: Well I just want to make sure I'm in a relationship before I get strike it rich!

Me: .... (why are you telling me this?)

Queen - 'Under Pressure' - YouTube

I guess I'm going to hell because I'm not taking advantage of an older man who's going to be one day be rich.

I'm just going to the plant nursery!!
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Well-known member
*singing to cat*
Goodbye my only friend... oh, did you think I meant you?
That would be funny... if it weren't so sad. I only want cat poo gone.
I hate cleaning litter boxes. haha


Well-known member
Feeling lost right now. I'm still thinking about going to Oxford University for Fall of 2012 but I have a bad feeling about being in a foreing country with people I dont know. I get the feeling that I'll get there and everyone will jump into their little cliques and leave me alone the entire time. When I was in a meeting for it last night, I got to see everyone I'd be traveling with. And of course as they all came in, they sat at every possible table in the room until it was filled and some poor bastard had no choice but to sit at mine. People just gravitated toward those they knew, and no one knows me, so I ended up getting avoided like usual. I really really want to go, but I'm afraid this trip will turn into my own personal nightmare. I dont want to be alone in a strange place for like 4 months. When I told the trip coordinator about my problems and concerns he said this.
"We all have these feelings at times, and no one can assure you that you will have friends if you go. If this is a major issue then maybe you are right to not feel comfortable. Yet sometimes in life we just have to take a chance. Do you have friend(s) now at HPU that might consider going also; that way you begin with someone you know, and the other friends can develop as you meet and interact with them. But this is your decision- no one can make it for you."

I just wish I had some idea as to what to do if the other students give me trouble if I try to socialize with them like some did my freshman year.
^ Oxford?! Wow! That sounds amazing! :eek::D I would kill to go too. I understand not wanting to go because you're afraid of being alone, especially in a foreign country, but I say just take the chance. Who knows? This may be a good second chance at making some new friends. :) Like Jones said, maybe you'll find some SPW'ers.

Of course, as mentioned, this is all your decision. Take the time to think it through, weigh out the pros and cons.


Well-known member
Okay SPW dudes and dudettes, coming soon will be a limited-edition picture of me, looking all fancy and stuff! I don't know when, but as soon as I find out how to upload pictures from my camera to my computer::p:, I'll do it. Now, how many of you want to see my Homecoming picture;)?

Also, I think you should go Pips! Going to Oxford is a rare opportunity and you have been given a chance to manipulate that opportunity to your means! Of course, if it makes you uncomfortable, then maybe you shouldn't. But, just try it out and find out if it does or not!


Well-known member
Soo.... I tried to create a FB account... entered my information, got nervous, clicked "register", more nervous, about to enter captcha, freak out, close, need to breath! Go away from computer and relax....

I thought it was over, I would do it another day, I didn't register, it's fine.... and now I just received an email telling me to finish the register o.0

Registering in new sites always made me nervous but facebook is even making me sick... and I haven't even started yet >.<


Well-known member
I hear the song "Creep" by Radiohead mentioned a lot on social phobia forums. I listened to it for the first time last night, and I can now see why. I don't really listen to Radiohead, but I can definitely relate to that song.