Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I feel sometimes like there are levels of awareness/functioning as far as people are concerned and that it is extremely difficult to find other people that are like yourself in that way.

I completely agree. I sometimes feel like an alien when I'm around certain people, I don't get their way of thinking at all. I have come to realize that my view on certain things are pretty radical compared to what seems to be the norm. I just don't have any interests in starting a family, building social status and make a career, which is what most people seems to want out of life. I just want to be happy and do what I want, not worry about fitting into this nice little box society wants us to be in.


Well-known member
I completely agree. I sometimes feel like an alien when I'm around certain people, I don't get their way of thinking at all. I have come to realize that my view on certain things are pretty radical compared to what seems to be the norm. I just don't have any interests in starting a family, building social status and make a career, which is what most people seems to want out of life. I just want to be happy and do what I want, not worry about fitting into this nice little box society wants us to be in.

Yes and if you ever tried to tell any of those people about your discordant thoughts they would either not understand and write you off as a weirdo or understand and write you off as a weirdo. :p

I know the majority of life is steeped in the mundane but I don't get why we are so content to just be led by pop culture and petty thought and action.


Well-known member
Yes and if you ever tried to tell any of those people about your discordant thoughts they would either not understand and write you off as a weirdo or understand and write you off as a weirdo. :p

I know the majority of life is steeped in the mundane but I don't get why we are so content to just be led by pop culture and petty thought and action.

It is always easier to be a follower and conform to what you have been told then to think for yourself. At 33 years of age I have realized that I am starting to loose my friends, one by one they are starting families and careers, buying houses and moving to far-away places. Some have just changed so much that I hardly know them anymore.

I sometimes feel left behind and betrayed, but at the same time I respect their choices. I'm just continuing what I always have done, living life one day at a time, and trying to have a good as time I can. It may seem irresponsible, but I am to restless to settle down living with the same routine day after day. Maybe I'll settle down one day, who knows, but for now I am content living as I always have, with or without my old friends.


Well-known member
I just watched Doctor Who. Now I'm trying to wrap my mind around all that happened so I can watch it again when it repeats in an hour.

I wish I could watch it; from what I've seen and heard, it's a really good show. Mayhaps you could tell us, by us, I mean mainly me hahaha, about it when you've gotten it memorized?

Me, well, check my "What Are You Eating?" post, it'll explain everything.
I'm downloading it now. I can't wait to see how it all wraps up. :D

Just my opinion, you don't have to read if you don't want to. There are no spoilers!

I was going into it thinking that there would be some massive reveal and one of Moffat's patented insane plot twists. But, if given a little time, I could have written how they got out of this one. It was still good, just not what I was expecting.


Well-known member
Older sister brought over a guy she has a crush on (she cleaned the whole house first! Aw). I asked what he's like and she said she doesn't know much about him except that he's "very judgemental and hates ugly people". *goes and hides in room*


Well-known member
Just my opinion, you don't have to read if you don't want to. There are no spoilers!

I was going into it thinking that there would be some massive reveal and one of Moffat's patented insane plot twists. But, if given a little time, I could have written how they got out of this one. It was still good, just not what I was expecting.

I just watched it. While I liked the episode I agree when you say the ending was a bit obvious.


I saw the Tesselector thing coming since Let's kill Hitler.
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Well-known member
Older sister brought over a guy she has a crush on (she cleaned the whole house first! Aw). I asked what he's like and she said she doesn't know much about him except that he's "very judgemental and hates ugly people". *goes and hides in room*

I'm sorry... from my first impression of him, I don't understand how someone could like a person who is so petty... but then saying I don't like someone who is petty- in a way, is also petty- seeing as I don't know anything else about him.

Then again... I suppose even the most evil people in history had someone like them at some point or another. i.e. = Hitler and Eva.
So... he's got that going for him, apparently. Good luck, big sister! XD
*also hides*
I just watched it. While I liked the episode I agree when you say the ending was a bit obvious.


I saw the Tesselector thing coming since Let's kill Hitler.

Possible spoilers:

I'm not quite so fast. It didn't come to me until it asked if there was anything else it could do to help him and he just walked away. My brain was screaming "Make a dummy Doctor! Shrink him for a bit and let him hang out with the itty bitty people and the jellyfish looking robots!" It was just a bit to simple for me. After all the complex and crazy things that have happened this season, the ending seemed like a cop-out. But the River/Doctor scenes where great and warmed the frozen cockles of my heart. :) I flove them.

I looked up the real ages of the cast. I always knew that Alex Kingston was older than all of them, but she is more than twice the age of Karen Gillan and 20 years older than Matt Smith. I saw a comment on Tumblr saying "Eww, a 20something year old making out with an old lady." :rolleyes: I didn't know that 48 year old women were old ladies.


Well-known member
It's 11 at night yet my godmother felt the need to call here just to give us a sob story about how her daughter was diagnosed with a very bad case of pneumonia that has dealt severe damage to her lungs and will need surgery as soon as possible, but she doesn't have the money to do so. So, being the user she is, she comes crying to my mom and I only because she needs us to be her bank. Of course my mother turns down the offer because we need every single penny we have to pay off our house and finally get the f*** out of here. So then she gets all hysterical, calls us every name in the book, and ends the call with this:

"If she dies, it's in your hands!"

Oh sure. Dump the blame on us when you're the Yoda of the family who knew very well that your daughter has been sickly for several months now and you waited until the very last minute to take her to the doctor. *Claps* I applaud you for your magnificent feat of ignorance :D

Well, I can now officially say that I will not have a single fragment of remorse when I move away from here and burn all bridges with everyone in my so-called family. I'm done with this s***.
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Well-known member
I'm sorry... from my first impression of him, I don't understand how someone could like a person who is so petty... but then saying I don't like someone who is petty- in a way, is also petty- seeing as I don't know anything else about him.

Then again... I suppose even the most evil people in history had someone like them at some point or another. i.e. = Hitler and Eva.
So... he's got that going for him, apparently. Good luck, big sister! XD
*also hides*

Lol! Great response :p


Well-known member
i went to a party today at my school. Why am i so awkward at dancing? it was horrible and no one asked me to dance i was sitting there like an idiot pretending to text someone just so that i would not appear as pathetic as i am. Then i came home and ate ALOT. I wasn't hungry so now i feel like i have to pay for it tomorrow. Something else i realized one is unique, even if I'm not ugly I'm still average and that won't get me happiness. Im probably being too dramatic but still. I'm not "special" I'm just a mexican "ugly-betty" wannabe. That is all ::(:

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
Possible spoilers:

I'm not quite so fast. It didn't come to me until it asked if there was anything else it could do to help him and he just walked away. My brain was screaming "Make a dummy Doctor! Shrink him for a bit and let him hang out with the itty bitty people and the jellyfish looking robots!" It was just a bit to simple for me. After all the complex and crazy things that have happened this season, the ending seemed like a cop-out. But the River/Doctor scenes where great and warmed the frozen cockles of my heart. :) I flove them.

I agree about the cop out ending. First of all, we clearly saw the dying Doctor start to re-generate (definitely in last night's episode, and I'm pretty sure in "The Impossible Astronaut" too) before River finished him off with a couple more blasts. Why would a dummy Doctor re-generate? It's just an animated dummy, not an actual Time Lord.

But more importantly, I thought the whole point of these fixed points in time was that they had to happen. Like, for real. The resolution to last night's episode amounted to a slightly higher-tech version of sticking a photo of The Doctor's face over a shop window dummy and blasting that to pieces, and apparently that worked?? So presumably the explosion of the Mars base (another fixed point in time) could have been avoid by simply building a paper mache model and blowing that up instead? Sorry Mr Moffat, but I don't buy it.

Ignoring the ending though, I did like the episode. I thought the concept of all points in history occurring at 5:02pm on a single day was great. I now want to go on one of those trans-globe steam trains. :D The script was very well written (as usual) and was able to transition from funny to moving very adeptly. This is exactly why I was so glad Moffat took over as lead writer on the show.

I looked up the real ages of the cast. I always knew that Alex Kingston was older than all of them, but she is more than twice the age of Karen Gillan and 20 years older than Matt Smith. I saw a comment on Tumblr saying "Eww, a 20something year old making out with an old lady." :rolleyes: I didn't know that 48 year old women were old ladies.

I think any women over 27 are old ladies, aren't they? ::p:


Well-known member
Saw a baby deer yesterday. It was quite small with little antlers. Stared at me momentarily, then bounced off into the trees.

Went to try and find it afterwards to take a picture, discovered that if you go under the barbed wire fence and up quite a steep hill, there is a little clearing where they seem to live in amongst the trees. Didn't manage to get a picture yet though.


Well-known member
Tomorrow is first day back to college and i'm dreading it, i''ll have to see everyone and be all social and act like i care about what they did this summer, i might even meet new people...ugh.