Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I just turned my head to crack my neck, and heard Shave and a Haircut.

Now I'm worrying what the response will be....



Well-known member
Got a new antidepressant to try with my old one, and xanax to take when I get super anxious.

If this doesn't help me idk what will.:p


Well-known member
I managed not to fail my chemistry test! :eek: I'm amazed. I mean, my grade was far from fantastic, but still. The fact that this was my first chemistry test ever, I've never taken a chemistry course at all, and I still managed to get a higher grade than some people who have already gone through chemistry in high school.

I'm not trying to gloat, I'm just shocked really. But, I still need help in this subject. :/


Well-known member
I managed not to fail my chemistry test! :eek: I'm amazed. I mean, my grade was far from fantastic, but still. The fact that this was my first chemistry test ever, I've never taken a chemistry course at all, and I still managed to get a higher grade than some people who have already gone through chemistry in high school.

I'm not trying to gloat, I'm just shocked really. But, I still need help in this subject. :/

WOW! Congrats!! That is so great:) i'm officially in awe of you...i was horrible at chemistry
I can't hear the difference between an MP3 and a FLAC file, and yet I insist on having FLAC versions of every song I can, despite the fact that they take up at least 10 times more space than the same song in MP3 format. Worse yet, I also keep the MP3 versions (even if they sound exactly the same). I'm not very hard drive space efficient, is what I'm trying to say.


Well-known member
After making so much progress by forcing myself to interact with people more, i somehow managed to slowly creep my way back into a life of avoidance. It was such a gradual process that i hardly noticed, its like im hard wired to be this way.


not actually Fiona Apple
2 ties for the wildcard, what an day for baseball fans! It should be awesome to watch Unless the Red Sox lose in which swearing will occur :p


Well-known member
One of my friends had a total blonde moment earlier that I'm still laughing about.

While taking Gizmo out for a walk around the block, I ran into one of my friends who was also walking her dog. We decided to go to the park together with our dogs and there we saw this girl from high school that she was friends with but I wasn’t too fond of. She was sitting on a bench with her boyfriend talking and she was clearly a preggo. My friend, much to my dismay, dragged me over to talk to her and we did for about 30 minutes. I asked her when the baby is due and she told me and then my friend stupidly asks "Oh! Are you pregnant?"

Noooo, she just ate a basketball and it's going to take 9 months to digest :rolleyes:

*Shakes head* Well, I guess that vouches for the saying "there are no stupid questions, just stupid people."


Well-known member
I'm annoyed because my photo shoot got postponed to early this evening, so now I have to do it in less than an hour, and I just want to relax. -___-


Well-known member
I am so sick of being sore. Ugh.... Seems like no matter what I do, I just hurt. I sit down, I ache horribly. I stand too long, I ache. I walk too much, I ache. Yoga feels good, but then afterwards I feel like I want to die. >.< And ibuprofen is doing nothing for me.

I really just want this pain to just go away.


Well-known member
Spun my first two pottery pieces this evening. They turned out really nice.. I'm shocked. I think I will practice and try to make something really pretty someday.


Well-known member
I am so sick of being sore. Ugh.... Seems like no matter what I do, I just hurt. I sit down, I ache horribly. I stand too long, I ache. I walk too much, I ache. Yoga feels good, but then afterwards I feel like I want to die. >.< And ibuprofen is doing nothing for me.

I really just want this pain to just go away.

What happened? Why you so sore?